New Bern Obituary Index Clipart of Tombstone

The New Bern Obituary Index helps users find obituaries or death notices located in the newspapers of New Bern. The dates given in the index are the dates of the obituary or death notice, not the actual dates of death.

The Obituary Index includes obituaries and death notices from 1751 through the current year.

Also included are several obituary "hoaxes" or death notices of people who were actually still living. Two such cases are the "obituaries" of Jimmie Lillian Roll in 1968 and John Koonce in 1888. For the trivia buff, the shortest name in our database is Ben, a slave, whose death was reported on April 25 and 26, 1848. The longest name in our database is Byron Hiram Ariom Long Myram William John Adrian Livingston Corbett, whose death is reported in the Tribune of August 17, 1935.

Copies of the obituaries or death notices listed in the index can be obtained by sending a check or money order for $2.00 for each notice to:

Kellenberger Room
New Bern-Craven County Public Library
400 Johnson Street
New Bern, NC 28560

Last Name
First Name
Middle/Maiden Name

Records Found: 185612
Last Name First Name Middle/Maiden Name Month Day Year Newspaper Page Column URL
[ Gattis ] [ James ] [ R. ] 4 30 1896 NBWJ 3 1 newspapers#nbwj
[ Gray? ] [ Belva? ] [ Lee? ] 11 19 1907 NBWJ 4 6 newspapers#nbwj
[ illegible ] Mary B. 2 8 1883 NBWJ 3 2 newspapers#nbwj
[ illegible ] Thomas 3 20 1813 CFR 3 3 newspapers#cfr
[ illegible ] Willi[ ] 2 24 1882 Cart Telephone 2 4 newspapers#telephone
Baby Jacob [infant] 11 10 1998 SJ A4 -- newspapers#sj
"Aunt Annie" ["Jasper's oldest colored resident" - age 90] 7 15 1925 MNB 3 4 newspapers#mnb
"Crazy Jane" (African-American female) 10 14 1873 NBDT 1 2 newspapers#nbdt
"Old Billy" (African-American male) 12 29 1871 NBDT 1 1 newspapers#nbdt
[ crew of British steamer Olympia] 2 22 1894 NBWJ 1 6 newspapers#nbwj
[ crew of the ship "Cressie Wright"] 1 14 1886 NBWJ 3 3 newspapers#nbwj
[ crew of USCG supply schooner Lincoln] 12 19 1926 MNB 1 1-7 newspapers#mnb
[ crew of USCG supply schooner Lincoln] 12 21 1926 MNB 1 1-6 newspapers#mnb
[ crew of USCG supply schooner Lincoln] 12 22 1926 MNB 1 1 newspapers#mnb
[ crew of USCG supply schooner Lincoln] 12 29 1926 MNB 1 6 newspapers#mnb
[ Very aged colored woman, claimed to be 110] [ Lived at Mr. Lafayette Dillahunts, Jones Co.] 3 18 1886 NBWJ 3 7 newspapers#nbwj
[ aged black woman - victim of Great Fire of 1922] 12 2 1922 MNB 1 2,3 newspapers#mnb
[ aged black woman - victim of Great Fire of 1922] 12 10 1922 MNB B6 2 newspapers#mnb
[ aged black woman - victim of Great Fire of 1922] 12 10 1922 MNB C1 4 newspapers#mnb
[the cook of ship Richard A. Spofford] 1 10 1895 NBWJ 3 1 newspapers#nbwj
Austrian aboard Sch. James W. Haige] [died 1873] 1 9 1917 SJ 5 5 newspapers#sj
[victims of 1899 hurricane] 8 30 1899 NBDJ 4 2 newspapers#nbdj
Adam (slave - property of John Blackwell) 6 25 1853 WN 2 4 newspapers#wn
Alfred (slave - property of Fanny Benners) 7 4 1855 NBJ 2 1 newspapers#nbj
[mate of Schooner Annie E. Pierce] 2 25 1892 NBDJ 1 2 newspapers#nbdj
