Margaret Harper Collection

Dublin Core


Margaret Harper Collection


This item is presented courtesy of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library for research and educational purposes. Prior permission from the New Bern-Craven County Public Library is required for any commercial use.



Collection Items

Photo Album Image, XI.1a
Waterfront logging scene with men using oxen to haul logs, ca 1890s

Photo Album Image, XI.1b
Waterfront scene looking south along East Front Street. The New Bern Yacht Club (later the New Bern Library) is centered in the frame. Two sailing vessels can be seen in the background. Possibly taken in the 1890s.

Photo Album Image, XI.1c
A young, African American girl sitting on a fence. She has a cotton sack around her neck. Cotton stalks can be seen behind her.

Photo Album Image, XI.1d1
Image of the Dr. John R. Justice House, 216 Pollock Street

Photo Album Image, XI.1d2
400 Block of East Front Street showing the Revenue Cutter dock in the distance to the north

Photo Album Image, XI.1d3
Eli Smallwood House, 524 East Front Street

Photo Album Image, XI.1e
Unknown lumber mill, along Neuse River on North Craven Street

Photo Album Image, XI.1f1
Main gate, Cedar Grove Cemetery, 600 block, Queen Street

Photo Album Image, XI.1f2
Confederate Monument, Cedar Grove Cemetery, 600 block Queen Street

Photo Album Image, XI.1g1
Simpson-Oaksmith House, southeast corner of East Front and Pollock Streets
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