Browse Items (16 total)
View of the R. Duval Jones House during the time it was used as an Inn, about October 1955. The house was demolished in the 1980s.
View of the Rebecca Delestatious House on Change Street
View of the Gaston Hotel at the southeast corner of Middle and South Front Streets
View of the north side of the 500 block of South Front Street showing gas tanks and delivery trucks, taken June 1947.
View of houses along the east side of the 200 block of Eden Street
View of two houses along the east side of the 200 block of Eden Street
View of the northeast corner of Eden and South Front Streets with several automobiles parked along Eden Street.
View of the northwest corner of George and South Front Streets taken from the southeast corner, showing houses, automobiles, street signs, traffic light, and business signs.
Row of houses along the 200 block of George Street. The house to the far right is the Nelson House, demolished during the restoration of Tryon Palace.
View of the Daves House along George Street with an automobile and truck parked along the street.
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