Browse Items (46 total)

Image of Sandlin Battery and Vulcanizing Company

Image of the foot of Middle Street with Nelson's Sea Food Restaurant in the distance.

Bradham's Pharmacy, corner of Middle and Pollock Streets. Oscar Marks is identified as the man on the left. "Uncle Dick" (Richard F. Butler) is identified on the right.

Children standing on a frozen river near a sailboat, about 1899.

Man with umbrella advertising "Drink Rienzi" Rochester Beer.

300 block of Pollock Street looking west from Craven Street following a snow storm.

Image of the Bank of New Bern building as it appeared around 1900. The Bank of New Bern building was constructed around 1818 and was liquidated around 1834. The building then housed the Merchants Bank.

A horse-drawn vehicle stopped on the 400 block of East Front street following a snowstorm.

View of the 300 block of Pollock Street, looking West from near Craven Street. The United States Courthouse and Post Office building with the Clock Tower is center-framed. A lady stands on the steps of the building.
Horse-drawn vehicles can be seen…

A view of the Coplon Smith Department Store and the neighboring Parisian women's clothing store taken about 1971.
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