Prayers appointed by the Rt. Rev. Bishop of the Diocese of North-Carolina, to be read immediately before the General Thanksgiving, on all occasions of Public Worship, during the continuance of the desolating pestilence in our afflicted country.


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Prayers appointed by the Rt. Rev. Bishop of the Diocese of North-Carolina, to be read immediately before the General Thanksgiving, on all occasions of Public Worship, during the continuance of the desolating pestilence in our afflicted country.


General intercessions--Episcopal Church
Cholera--North Carolina


Leaflet containing prayers to be said during a Cholera epidemic in 1833.


Ives, Levi Silliman


New Bern-Craven County Public Library


Episcopal Church. Diocese of North Carolina




Pamphlet collection (Pamphlet 264.18 P)


This item is presented courtesy of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library for research and educational purposes. Prior permission from the New Bern-Craven County Public Library is required for any commercial use.








Pamphlet 264.18 P


North Carolina

Text Item Type Metadata


ΒΆ Prayers appointed by the Rt. Rev. Bishop of the Diocese of North-Carolina, to be read immediately before the General Thanksgiving, on all occasions of Public Worship, during the continuance of the desolating pestilence in our afflicted country.

MOST GRACIOUS FATHER AND GOD, who hast promised forgiveness of sins to all those who with hearty repentance and true faith turn to thee, look down, we beseech thee, from heaven thy dwelling place, upon us thy unworthy servants, who, under an awful apprehension of thy judgments, and a deep conviction of our sinfulness, prostrate ourselves before thee. We acknowledge it to be of thy goodness alone, that, whilst thou hast visited others with pestilence, thou hast so long spared us. Have pity, O LORD, have pity upon us. Withdraw thy heavy hand from those who are suffering thy judgments, and arrest the grievous calamity with which others have been scourged, and against which our only security is in thy compassion. We confess, with shame and contrition, that in pride and hardness of our hearts, we have shown ourselves unthankful for thy mercies, and have followed our own inclinations instead of thy holy laws; yet, O merciful Father, suffer not thy destroying angel to lift up his hand against us, but keep us in health and safety; and grant, that being warned by the sufferings of others to repent of our sins, we may be preserved from all evil by thy mighty protection, and enjoy the continuance of thy mercy and grace, though the merits of our only Mediator and Advocate, JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

O, ALMIGHTY GOD, who, by the many instances of mortality which encompass us on every side, and by the warning, now especially urged upon us, of our exposure to sudden stroke of death, dost call upon us seriously to consider the shortness of our time here upon earth, and remindest us that in the midst of life we are in death, so teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Give us grace to turn unto thee with timely repentance, and thus to obtain, through the merits of our Savior, that pardon to-day, for which, tomorrow, it may be too late to seek; that so being strengthened by thy good SPIRIT against the terrors of death, and daily advancing in godliness, we may at all times be ready to give up our souls into thy hands, O gracious Father, in the hope of a blessed immortality, through the mediation and for the merits of JESUS CHRIST our Lord. Amen.

[in pencil]

Cholera in 1833._

Cholera in 1833

Original Format



Ives, Levi Silliman, “Prayers appointed by the Rt. Rev. Bishop of the Diocese of North-Carolina, to be read immediately before the General Thanksgiving, on all occasions of Public Worship, during the continuance of the desolating pestilence in our afflicted country.,” Craven County Digital History, accessed February 5, 2025,