Arpen Family Bible
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Arpen Family Bible
Arpen family
Bible records--North Carolina--Craven County
The Holy Bible: with the Apocrypha, Psalms in Metre, and Marginal References...published by John E. Potter and Compnay, n.d.
Xerographic copies; 8.5x11 inches; 8 pages
not dated
This item is presented courtesy of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library for research and educational purposes. Prior permission from the New Bern-Craven County Public Library is required for any commercial use.
Craven County, North Carolina
Text Item Type Metadata
Arpen Family Bible
Original owned by Doris B. Hamilton, New Bern, N.C., October 20, 2002.
[p. 1]
The Illustrated Explanatory Family Bible. The Holy Bible: with the Apocrypha, Psalms in Metre, and Marginal References and Readings,…Philadelphia: John E. Potter and Company, No. 617 Sansom Street [n.d.]
[p. 2]
Marriage Certificate
This is to Certify That Mr. James Henry Arpen and Miss Pennie Hawkins were solemnly united by me in Holy Matrimony in New Bern on the 27 Day of May In the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight 9 [penned above Eight] Hundred and 14 [i.e. 1914] Conformably to the Ordinance of God and the Laws of the State. In Presence of Julia Arpen, Georgia
D. Fulford
Mr. N. Arpen
[p. 3]
Family Record
Sarah Elizabeth Ann Gibson daughter of John W. and Julia Ann Gibson was born on the 14th day of April A.D. 1877.
John W. Gibson, son of John W. and Julia Ann Gibson, was born on the 25th day of February A.D. 1879.
Penny Florence wife of James Henry Arpen was born on the 15th day of March A.D. 1883
Edard Lee Ricks Jr. was born March 25, 1938.
James Henry Arpen son of Nicholas and Julia Ann Arpen was born on the 15th day of July A.D. 1889. Margaret Ann Ricks was born August 25th, 1936. Charles Barker Belangia was born Oct 5, 1937, Myrtle Julia Beck was born Feb 6, 1941
Julie Nicholas and Georgia Anne twin daughters of Nicholas and Julia Ann Arpen were born on the 26th day of August A.D. 1892.
Dorothy Jean Belangia was born Sept 1941.
[p. 4]
Florence Elizabeth Robinson borne Nov. 25, 1917 to Julie Nicholas Robinson and Richard Robinson
Margaret Isebelle Robinson born Aug 4, 1914 to Julie and Richard Robinson.
Eldridge Barker Robinson born June 21, 1924 to Julie and Richard Robinson.
George Henry Nichlous Robinson born Jan. 1, 1921 to Julie and Richard Robinson.
[p. 5]
Family Record
Nicholas Arpen and Julie Ann Gibson were married on the 12th day of November A.D. 1887. Clarence Robinson & Vernell Roberts were married on the Dec 1938.
Edward Lee Ricks and Florence Robinson were married on the 3rd [?] day of May 1933.
Claude S. Belangia & Thelma E. Robinson were married on the 29th day April19[torn]
Richard Robinson and Julia Arpen was married on the 6 day of June A.D. 1908.
Chas. R. Carraway and Ruth Arpen were married on the 18th day of March 1935 [?]
Jhon W. Gibson and Lara B. Roberts was married on the 17th day of October A.D. 1906
Horace C. Huff and Margaret I Robinson were married on the 11th day of July 1931.
James Henry Arpen and Pennie Hawkins were married on the 27th day of May A.D. 1914.) Doctor T. Beck and Florence E. Ricks was married July 4, 1937 1939
[p. 6, small scrap of page]
[torn] Record
[torn] Martin Henry [torn]
[torn] was born A [torn
Original owned by Doris B. Hamilton, New Bern, N.C., October 20, 2002.
[p. 1]
The Illustrated Explanatory Family Bible. The Holy Bible: with the Apocrypha, Psalms in Metre, and Marginal References and Readings,…Philadelphia: John E. Potter and Company, No. 617 Sansom Street [n.d.]
[p. 2]
Marriage Certificate
This is to Certify That Mr. James Henry Arpen and Miss Pennie Hawkins were solemnly united by me in Holy Matrimony in New Bern on the 27 Day of May In the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight 9 [penned above Eight] Hundred and 14 [i.e. 1914] Conformably to the Ordinance of God and the Laws of the State. In Presence of Julia Arpen, Georgia
D. Fulford
Mr. N. Arpen
[p. 3]
Family Record
Sarah Elizabeth Ann Gibson daughter of John W. and Julia Ann Gibson was born on the 14th day of April A.D. 1877.
John W. Gibson, son of John W. and Julia Ann Gibson, was born on the 25th day of February A.D. 1879.
Penny Florence wife of James Henry Arpen was born on the 15th day of March A.D. 1883
Edard Lee Ricks Jr. was born March 25, 1938.
James Henry Arpen son of Nicholas and Julia Ann Arpen was born on the 15th day of July A.D. 1889. Margaret Ann Ricks was born August 25th, 1936. Charles Barker Belangia was born Oct 5, 1937, Myrtle Julia Beck was born Feb 6, 1941
Julie Nicholas and Georgia Anne twin daughters of Nicholas and Julia Ann Arpen were born on the 26th day of August A.D. 1892.
Dorothy Jean Belangia was born Sept 1941.
[p. 4]
Florence Elizabeth Robinson borne Nov. 25, 1917 to Julie Nicholas Robinson and Richard Robinson
Margaret Isebelle Robinson born Aug 4, 1914 to Julie and Richard Robinson.
Eldridge Barker Robinson born June 21, 1924 to Julie and Richard Robinson.
George Henry Nichlous Robinson born Jan. 1, 1921 to Julie and Richard Robinson.
[p. 5]
Family Record
Nicholas Arpen and Julie Ann Gibson were married on the 12th day of November A.D. 1887. Clarence Robinson & Vernell Roberts were married on the Dec 1938.
Edward Lee Ricks and Florence Robinson were married on the 3rd [?] day of May 1933.
Claude S. Belangia & Thelma E. Robinson were married on the 29th day April19[torn]
Richard Robinson and Julia Arpen was married on the 6 day of June A.D. 1908.
Chas. R. Carraway and Ruth Arpen were married on the 18th day of March 1935 [?]
Jhon W. Gibson and Lara B. Roberts was married on the 17th day of October A.D. 1906
Horace C. Huff and Margaret I Robinson were married on the 11th day of July 1931.
James Henry Arpen and Pennie Hawkins were married on the 27th day of May A.D. 1914.) Doctor T. Beck and Florence E. Ricks was married July 4, 1937 1939
[p. 6, small scrap of page]
[torn] Record
[torn] Martin Henry [torn]
[torn] was born A [torn
Original Format
“Arpen Family Bible,” Craven County Digital History, accessed March 14, 2025,