John Carruthers Stanly Family Bible
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John Carruthers Stanly Family Bible
Stanly family
Bible records--North Carolina--Craven County
Family bible of John Carruthers Stanly of New Bern, North Carolina. In addition to information on the Stanly family, the Bible also contains names and birth dates of Stanly's slaves.
Xerographic copies; 8.5x11 inches; 10 pages
This item is presented courtesy of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library for research and educational purposes. Prior permission from the New Bern-Craven County Public Library is required for any commercial use.
New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina
Text Item Type Metadata
[p 1]
This Book was Purchased Anno Domini 1803 May 25th by John, C[blot]thes, Carruthers
[written below C[blot]thes] Stanly
[p 2, The End of the Apocrypha]
Milleys Childern ages
Charles born 1799 June 10
Fed Ditt
Sally born Dec 6 1806
Disdemony Ditt 1809
Abrham Ditt 1813 June
Rosahaner 1815 Augt.
William 1818 Feb 4
Jacob 1820 June 27
Phalena & Jack Small Childrn
Phebe Born
Jim Do
Nead Do
Julia Ann born 1814 [?]
The Ages of the Negro Slaves Born the proverty of J.C. S. and such as was Childern when
Bought by said J.C. Stanly.
Phebey Born 1803} Aclceys
Mary Born March 1807} Childern
Mary Born June 1807} Littel
Ceaser Born 1809} Naneys Childern
Tom Jones Born 1811 [stricken in original]
Aaron Born 1811
Mosses Born 1813
Jary Born 1814
Noah Born 1817 [Stricken and in margin written “Dead”]
America Born August 10th 1818 [in margin of page 2]
Zelph Childern
Mary Ann Bourn June 17th 1810
Bruters Bourn July 1812
Morear Born 1814
Jerey [? Stricken and in margin written “Dead”] Born Jany 24 1817
Henry Born Febrary 8th 1821
Phillis Born Jany 8th 1823
Mathias Mary’s child born April 29th 1826
Betteys Childern Africah born June 18—
Sary Born Sept. 1814 [?]
George Born 1817
Hannah March 12 1820
Delia Born Dec’r 1822
Enoch Born Jan’y 1829
June 20, 1830 [?]
Wenes Childern
Susan bourn 1812
Ben born Octr 1814
George [?] Born Jany 1817 [stricken and “dead” written beside entry]
Tabithy born Jan’y 1825
Esther May[?] 1827
Big Naneys Childern
Amarica bourn 1808
Elizabeth bourn 1810
Harry bourn 1812
Phebe Children
Josiah born
Delsy bourn May 8th 1826
[p 3]
Family Record. Marriages
John C. Stanly married to Ketty Green Decembe r9th 1798.
June 30th 1824 this day John S. Stanly Son of J.C. Stanly was marred to Frances Griffeth. New
Bern. Jno. C. Stanly.
This day Jany 27th 1852. Charles Stanly was married to Sarah Bragg. By the Rev Daniel
Stratton, Paster of the presbiterian church of Newbern. C.G. Stanly.
[p 4]
Family Record. Births.
John Stewart Stanly Son To John C. Stanly and Ketty his wife Born Octr. 20th 1799 Sunday at
Six oclock in the morning.
Ketty Green Stanly Daught to John C. Stanly and Ketty his wife Born Novr. 1st 1801 Sunday
morning at Five oclocke
Eunes Crouthers daugt to John C. Stanly and Ketty Born Jany 23th 1804 Monday [stricken]
Tusday morning at four oclock.
Alexander Stewart Stanly Son to John C. Stanly & Ketty his Born Jany 21st 1807 on Thursday
Tusday morning at 3 oclock
Frances L. Stanly daught to John & wife Born August 7th 1812 Friday at sun rise.
Sarah Jane Born April 4th 1816 daught to John & Ketty Stanly—Thursday at one oclock
April 9th 1820. Sunday at 8 oclock Joseph & Benjamin was born. Childern of J.C. + K. Stanly
March 11th 1822 Monday at 9 oclock Charles Stewart son to J.C. Stanly & Ketty his wife was
[illegible writing, stricken]
John C. Stanly Born Decr 28th 1773
Ketty wife to John C. Stanly Born June th 1779
Joseph son of Charles & Sarah Stanly born Oct 10th 1852. Sabbath day.
Charles son of Charles & Sarah Stanly, born April 5 1854. Wednesday.
Sarah daughter of Charles & Sarah his wife, born Dec 7th 1855.
[p 5]
The property of John C. Stan[ly]
Family Record. Births.
Samuel Hutchings Osborne son of the Rev. Michael & Harriet H. Osborne, born April the 9th
1835 in Raleigh, North Carolina. “The children of thy servants shall continue, and their seed
shall be established before thee” Pslams CII.28
This day November the 4th 1804 departed this life Richard Green in his 50th year of his age who
was father to my wife Ketty.
This day October 10th 1822 departed this life our Friend Mrs. Lyade Steurt in the 78th year God
rest hir I pray and prepare us to meat her in Heaven.
This day at near 5 ocl. departed my Dear wife Ketty Stanly in the 44 year of hir age. O may the
Lord Receive hir and keep hir. O may hir Husband and hir children be always ready to meat hir.
Novr 18th 1823.
Novr. 21th 1839 this day my Blessed Lord has taken my Son Alexander Stwat Stanly age 32
years and 10 months.
This day Nov 2nd 1841 departed this life my dear father John C. Stanly in the 68th year of his
age. The Lord reigneth, Clouds and darkness are round about him, righteousness & judgment are
the habitation of his throne. C.G. Stanly
March 11th 1853. Today my brother Benjamin Stanly departed this life aged 33 years. He died in
Austrailia in pursuit of health. The Lord reigneth He doth all things well. C.G. Stanly.
[p 6 & 7]
Family Record.
Departed this life July 3rd 1852 Samuel H. Osborne aged 17 years 2 months & 23 days. Son of
our very dear friend & Pastor the Rev. Michael Osborne.
June 21st 1856. Today my dear sister Eunice C. Stanly departed this life in the fifty third year of
her life. C.G. Stanly
Departed this life in Cleaveland Ohio my eldest brother John S. Stanly in his 56 year. Jany 4th
1857. C.G. Stanly
Oct 11th 1857. Today my youngest brother Charles S. Stanly departed this life in the 35th year
of his life. C.G. Stanly
Nov 11th 1857. Today my dear sister Sarah Jane Stanly departed this life in the 41st year of her
life. C.G. Stanly
Died on the 26th day of June 1863 my dear Sister Catharine G. Stanly in the 62nd year of her
life. “The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in
him.” Nahum 1st. 7v.
Departed this life 21 March 1894 Mary Stanley Jones daughter of John S. Stanly in Columbus O.
F.E.B. Fannie Stanly
Departed this life 14th Sept 1903 Brooklyn NY Kitty Stanly Harris daughter of John S. Stanly.
Written by F. Stanly Benson
Departed this life Fannie Stanley Benson May youngest daughter of Js. Stanly in Cleveland O.
I.B. Lealtad
Departed this life in Cleveland O. John Stanly oldest son of John S. Stanly. I.B. Lealtad
Departed this life in Vineland N.J. Sarah daughter of John S. Stanly. I.B. Lealtad.
Alfred H. Lealtad, wife of Ida B. Deaver died August 22-1953.
[p 8]
Family Record.
John C. Stanly Negros
Born his.
Phebey Born 1803} Children of
Mary Born 1807} Delcey
Amarica Born 1808} Children of
Lesey Ditt 1810 } Bib Naney
Harry Ditt 1812
Mary Born 1807 } Lettel Nancys
Ceaser Born 1809} Children
Aaron 1811
Mosses Ditt 1813
Jary Ditt 18
Nan [smudged] Ditt
Mary Born 1810} Children of
Burutes Born 1812} [blank]
Mursia 1815
Henery Ditt 1821
Susan Born 1812} Children of
Ben Ditt 1814 } Weney
Afriack Born 1812 } Betty Child
Sary Ditt 1814
Georg Ditt 1818
Hannah Ditt 1820
Milly Child
[p 9]
Age of Slaves of the Property of Jno. C Stanly.
Millys children.
Charles Born Jany 10 1799
Sally---Decr 6 1806
Abram-June 1813
Rosannah August 5 1815
William Feby 4 1818
Jacob June 27 1820
Fanny Novem’r 1823
Winneys Children
Susan Born 1812
Ben-----Octr 1814
Cyrus 1818
Paul 1820
Tabitha 1824
Guine Bettys children
Africa Born June 1812
Sarah Sept 1814
George 1817
Liza [stricken]
Hannah March 12 1820
Delia 1822
Enoch 1829
Zachariah 1827
[second column]
Little Nanns children
Molly Born 1807
Ceasar 1809
Aaron 1811
Jerry [stricken]
Moses 1813
Jerry 1815
Noah 1817
Big Nan Children
America Born 1808
Deleys Children
Mary Born March 1807
Zilpha children
Mary Born June 17 1810
Brutus July 1812
Maria 1814
Henry Feby 8th 1821
Jururs [?] Children
Moses born 1825
Milly [stricken] ad 1827 [stricken]
Sylva’s children
Henry Born 1818
[column 3]
Phoebe’s [children]
Phebe Born [illegible]
Julia Ann [illegible]
Phebes Children
Josiah born
Tom Oliver
Americas Chil[dren]
John born [illegible]
[p following p 9, same image as p 9]
Sally Children
Mary Ann born Oct [cut off]
[p 10]
[column 1, bottom]
Marys Children
Sarah J. born Oct 16 1828
Jeremiah 1830
[column 2]
Rose Children
George Born 1836 Sept 15th
George son of Hannah Born Jany 1839
John son of Hannah Born December 1840
Peter son of Hannah Born Sep 17th 1853
Alfred son of Hannah Born May 2nd 1856
Harry Son of Hannah born Feb 22nd 1860
This Book was Purchased Anno Domini 1803 May 25th by John, C[blot]thes, Carruthers
[written below C[blot]thes] Stanly
[p 2, The End of the Apocrypha]
Milleys Childern ages
Charles born 1799 June 10
Fed Ditt
Sally born Dec 6 1806
Disdemony Ditt 1809
Abrham Ditt 1813 June
Rosahaner 1815 Augt.
William 1818 Feb 4
Jacob 1820 June 27
Phalena & Jack Small Childrn
Phebe Born
Jim Do
Nead Do
Julia Ann born 1814 [?]
The Ages of the Negro Slaves Born the proverty of J.C. S. and such as was Childern when
Bought by said J.C. Stanly.
Phebey Born 1803} Aclceys
Mary Born March 1807} Childern
Mary Born June 1807} Littel
Ceaser Born 1809} Naneys Childern
Tom Jones Born 1811 [stricken in original]
Aaron Born 1811
Mosses Born 1813
Jary Born 1814
Noah Born 1817 [Stricken and in margin written “Dead”]
America Born August 10th 1818 [in margin of page 2]
Zelph Childern
Mary Ann Bourn June 17th 1810
Bruters Bourn July 1812
Morear Born 1814
Jerey [? Stricken and in margin written “Dead”] Born Jany 24 1817
Henry Born Febrary 8th 1821
Phillis Born Jany 8th 1823
Mathias Mary’s child born April 29th 1826
Betteys Childern Africah born June 18—
Sary Born Sept. 1814 [?]
George Born 1817
Hannah March 12 1820
Delia Born Dec’r 1822
Enoch Born Jan’y 1829
June 20, 1830 [?]
Wenes Childern
Susan bourn 1812
Ben born Octr 1814
George [?] Born Jany 1817 [stricken and “dead” written beside entry]
Tabithy born Jan’y 1825
Esther May[?] 1827
Big Naneys Childern
Amarica bourn 1808
Elizabeth bourn 1810
Harry bourn 1812
Phebe Children
Josiah born
Delsy bourn May 8th 1826
[p 3]
Family Record. Marriages
John C. Stanly married to Ketty Green Decembe r9th 1798.
June 30th 1824 this day John S. Stanly Son of J.C. Stanly was marred to Frances Griffeth. New
Bern. Jno. C. Stanly.
This day Jany 27th 1852. Charles Stanly was married to Sarah Bragg. By the Rev Daniel
Stratton, Paster of the presbiterian church of Newbern. C.G. Stanly.
[p 4]
Family Record. Births.
John Stewart Stanly Son To John C. Stanly and Ketty his wife Born Octr. 20th 1799 Sunday at
Six oclock in the morning.
Ketty Green Stanly Daught to John C. Stanly and Ketty his wife Born Novr. 1st 1801 Sunday
morning at Five oclocke
Eunes Crouthers daugt to John C. Stanly and Ketty Born Jany 23th 1804 Monday [stricken]
Tusday morning at four oclock.
Alexander Stewart Stanly Son to John C. Stanly & Ketty his Born Jany 21st 1807 on Thursday
Tusday morning at 3 oclock
Frances L. Stanly daught to John & wife Born August 7th 1812 Friday at sun rise.
Sarah Jane Born April 4th 1816 daught to John & Ketty Stanly—Thursday at one oclock
April 9th 1820. Sunday at 8 oclock Joseph & Benjamin was born. Childern of J.C. + K. Stanly
March 11th 1822 Monday at 9 oclock Charles Stewart son to J.C. Stanly & Ketty his wife was
[illegible writing, stricken]
John C. Stanly Born Decr 28th 1773
Ketty wife to John C. Stanly Born June th 1779
Joseph son of Charles & Sarah Stanly born Oct 10th 1852. Sabbath day.
Charles son of Charles & Sarah Stanly, born April 5 1854. Wednesday.
Sarah daughter of Charles & Sarah his wife, born Dec 7th 1855.
[p 5]
The property of John C. Stan[ly]
Family Record. Births.
Samuel Hutchings Osborne son of the Rev. Michael & Harriet H. Osborne, born April the 9th
1835 in Raleigh, North Carolina. “The children of thy servants shall continue, and their seed
shall be established before thee” Pslams CII.28
This day November the 4th 1804 departed this life Richard Green in his 50th year of his age who
was father to my wife Ketty.
This day October 10th 1822 departed this life our Friend Mrs. Lyade Steurt in the 78th year God
rest hir I pray and prepare us to meat her in Heaven.
This day at near 5 ocl. departed my Dear wife Ketty Stanly in the 44 year of hir age. O may the
Lord Receive hir and keep hir. O may hir Husband and hir children be always ready to meat hir.
Novr 18th 1823.
Novr. 21th 1839 this day my Blessed Lord has taken my Son Alexander Stwat Stanly age 32
years and 10 months.
This day Nov 2nd 1841 departed this life my dear father John C. Stanly in the 68th year of his
age. The Lord reigneth, Clouds and darkness are round about him, righteousness & judgment are
the habitation of his throne. C.G. Stanly
March 11th 1853. Today my brother Benjamin Stanly departed this life aged 33 years. He died in
Austrailia in pursuit of health. The Lord reigneth He doth all things well. C.G. Stanly.
[p 6 & 7]
Family Record.
Departed this life July 3rd 1852 Samuel H. Osborne aged 17 years 2 months & 23 days. Son of
our very dear friend & Pastor the Rev. Michael Osborne.
June 21st 1856. Today my dear sister Eunice C. Stanly departed this life in the fifty third year of
her life. C.G. Stanly
Departed this life in Cleaveland Ohio my eldest brother John S. Stanly in his 56 year. Jany 4th
1857. C.G. Stanly
Oct 11th 1857. Today my youngest brother Charles S. Stanly departed this life in the 35th year
of his life. C.G. Stanly
Nov 11th 1857. Today my dear sister Sarah Jane Stanly departed this life in the 41st year of her
life. C.G. Stanly
Died on the 26th day of June 1863 my dear Sister Catharine G. Stanly in the 62nd year of her
life. “The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in
him.” Nahum 1st. 7v.
Departed this life 21 March 1894 Mary Stanley Jones daughter of John S. Stanly in Columbus O.
F.E.B. Fannie Stanly
Departed this life 14th Sept 1903 Brooklyn NY Kitty Stanly Harris daughter of John S. Stanly.
Written by F. Stanly Benson
Departed this life Fannie Stanley Benson May youngest daughter of Js. Stanly in Cleveland O.
I.B. Lealtad
Departed this life in Cleveland O. John Stanly oldest son of John S. Stanly. I.B. Lealtad
Departed this life in Vineland N.J. Sarah daughter of John S. Stanly. I.B. Lealtad.
Alfred H. Lealtad, wife of Ida B. Deaver died August 22-1953.
[p 8]
Family Record.
John C. Stanly Negros
Born his.
Phebey Born 1803} Children of
Mary Born 1807} Delcey
Amarica Born 1808} Children of
Lesey Ditt 1810 } Bib Naney
Harry Ditt 1812
Mary Born 1807 } Lettel Nancys
Ceaser Born 1809} Children
Aaron 1811
Mosses Ditt 1813
Jary Ditt 18
Nan [smudged] Ditt
Mary Born 1810} Children of
Burutes Born 1812} [blank]
Mursia 1815
Henery Ditt 1821
Susan Born 1812} Children of
Ben Ditt 1814 } Weney
Afriack Born 1812 } Betty Child
Sary Ditt 1814
Georg Ditt 1818
Hannah Ditt 1820
Milly Child
[p 9]
Age of Slaves of the Property of Jno. C Stanly.
Millys children.
Charles Born Jany 10 1799
Sally---Decr 6 1806
Abram-June 1813
Rosannah August 5 1815
William Feby 4 1818
Jacob June 27 1820
Fanny Novem’r 1823
Winneys Children
Susan Born 1812
Ben-----Octr 1814
Cyrus 1818
Paul 1820
Tabitha 1824
Guine Bettys children
Africa Born June 1812
Sarah Sept 1814
George 1817
Liza [stricken]
Hannah March 12 1820
Delia 1822
Enoch 1829
Zachariah 1827
[second column]
Little Nanns children
Molly Born 1807
Ceasar 1809
Aaron 1811
Jerry [stricken]
Moses 1813
Jerry 1815
Noah 1817
Big Nan Children
America Born 1808
Deleys Children
Mary Born March 1807
Zilpha children
Mary Born June 17 1810
Brutus July 1812
Maria 1814
Henry Feby 8th 1821
Jururs [?] Children
Moses born 1825
Milly [stricken] ad 1827 [stricken]
Sylva’s children
Henry Born 1818
[column 3]
Phoebe’s [children]
Phebe Born [illegible]
Julia Ann [illegible]
Phebes Children
Josiah born
Tom Oliver
Americas Chil[dren]
John born [illegible]
[p following p 9, same image as p 9]
Sally Children
Mary Ann born Oct [cut off]
[p 10]
[column 1, bottom]
Marys Children
Sarah J. born Oct 16 1828
Jeremiah 1830
[column 2]
Rose Children
George Born 1836 Sept 15th
George son of Hannah Born Jany 1839
John son of Hannah Born December 1840
Peter son of Hannah Born Sep 17th 1853
Alfred son of Hannah Born May 2nd 1856
Harry Son of Hannah born Feb 22nd 1860
“John Carruthers Stanly Family Bible,” Craven County Digital History, accessed March 9, 2025,