Mackelroy-Holton-Curtis-Herrington Family Bible

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Mackelroy-Holton-Curtis-Herrington Family Bible


Mackelroy family
Holton family
Curtis family
Herrington family
Bible records--North Carolina--Craven County


The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Newly Translated out of the Original Greek. And with the former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. By His Majesty’s Special Command. Appointed to be read in Churches. Oxford: Printed by Thomas Baskett, Printer to the University, MDCCLX. (1760)
Family Bible records of the Mackelroy, Holton, Curtis, and Herrington families of Craven and what is now Pamlico Counties, N.C.
Xerographic copies; 8.5x11 inches; 8 pages.




This item is presented courtesy of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library for research and educational purposes. Prior permission from the New Bern-Craven County Public Library is required for any commercial use.










Craven County, North Carolina
Pamlico County, North Carolina

Text Item Type Metadata


[title page]
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Newly Translated out of the Original Greek. And with the former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. By His Majesty’s Special Command. Appointed to be read in Churches. Oxford: Printed by Thomas Baskett, Printer to the University, MDCCLX. (1760)

[reverse of the title page]
This may [illegible] the age of James Mackelroy Son of John Mackelroy and Sarah his Wif Who Was Born in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand Seven hundred and sixty Eight Desember The twenty Sixth Day.

John Mackelroy Son of John Mackelroy and Sarah was Born in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand Seven hundred Seventy & one Febuary the 9th day.

James Mackleroy Departed this Life May the 5th in the year of our Lord 1773: in the 51st year of his age.

James Mackelroy Juner Departed this Life October 16th 1785 In the 22nd year of his age.

Suckey Mackelroy Daughter of John Mackelroy & Polley His wife was born August the 26 in the year of Our Lord 1796.

James Mackelroy Son of John Mackelroy & Polley His wife was born November th [sic] 7 in the year of Our Lord 1798.

John Mackelroy Son of John Mackelroy & Polly his Wife was born febuary 1th [sic] in the year of Our Lord 18[01].

[page 3]
Births, Births, [torn]

Enoch Holton Son Bas [torn] Casey his wife was born [torn] the 29th in the year of our [Lord] 1796.

Tabitha Holton wife of Enoch Holton Daughter of Elder Isaac Pipkins and Mary his wife was born November 28th in the year of our Lord 1796.

Elvira Holton, Daughter of Enoch Holton and Tabitha his wife was born February 15th in the year of our Lord 1823 [?].

Jesse W.P. Holton, Son of Enoch Holton and Tabitha his wife was born April 28th in the year of our Lord 1826.

[page 4]
[Torn] Births
[Torn] lton Son of Enoch Holton [torn] Tabitha his wife was born [Ju]ne 30th 1828 A.D.
[Torn] abitha Holton, Daughter of Enoch Holton and Tabitha his wife was born November 16th A.D. 1830.
Enos Caroline Holton, Daughter of Enoch Holton and Tabitha his wife was born October 16th A.D. 1832.

Isaac P. Holton son of Enoch Holton and Tabitha his wife was born January 24th A.D. 1834.

Alonzo J. Holton, son of Enoch Holton and Tabetha his wife was born July 20th A.D. 1837.

Mary E. Holton Daughter of Enoch Holton and Tabitha his wife was born September 3rd A.D. 1824.

[page 5]
Enoch Holton and Tabitha Pipkins were marriaed on the 18th of April A.D. 1822.

[page 6]
Mary E. Holton Departed this life the 16th of July 1827 aged 2 years 10 months and 13 days.

Enos Carolina Holton departed this life the 3rd day of June 1834 aged 1 year, 6 months, and 15 [it appears the 5 was overwritten with 7 to make 17] days.

Enoch Holton Jr. departed this life the 20th of February 1842 aged 13 years 7 months and 20 day.

[page 7, last page of the Apocrapha--the information on this page is very faint, someone tried to pen over the original information on some of the entries and did a poor job]

[Illegible] Macelroy Son of Thomas Mackelroy and [illegible] his wife was Born in the year of our Lord 1817 November the 26.

[Illegible] Mackelroy Son of Thomas Mackelroy and [illegible] his wife was Born in the year of our Lord September the 24, 1819 and Departed this life October the 11, 1824.

[Chloey?] Mackelroy Daughter of Thomas Mackelroy and [Cleance?] his wife was Born in the year of our Lord August the 11 1821.

James Harber son of Joseph Harber & Anne his wife Born the year of our Lord December 12th 1822.

[page 8--follows one of the appendix pages]
Jam:s. Mackelroy Son of James Mackelroy His had Wrot in the Twenty First year of his Age June th 6 1784.
David Curts Son of John Curtis and Mary His Wife Was Born October the 16th Day in the year of Our Lord 1768.

Easter Curtis Daughter of John Curtis and Mary His wife was Born April the 21st Day in year of Our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and seventy three.

Elizabeth Curtis Daughter of John Curtis and Mary His Wife was Born November the 20th Day in year of our Lord 1774 And departed this Life the 20th of February in the year of our Lord 1791 in the 17th year of Her age.

Cloe Herrington Daughter of Charles Herrington and Easter his Wife Was Born the 30th Day of May in the year of our Lord 1805.

Nancy Herrington Daughter of Charles and Ester his wife was Born the 28th Day of April in the year of our Lord 1810.


Original Format



“Mackelroy-Holton-Curtis-Herrington Family Bible,” Craven County Digital History, accessed February 7, 2025,