Meadows-Hancock Family Bible

Dublin Core


Meadows-Hancock Family Bible


Meadows family
Hancock family
Bible records--North Carolina--Craven County


Family Bible pages concerning the Meadows and Hancock families of Craven County, North Carolina.
Xerographic copies; 8.5x11 inches; 4 pages




This item is presented courtesy of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library for research and educational purposes. Prior permission from the New Bern-Craven County Public Library is required for any commercial use.










Craven County, North Carolina

Text Item Type Metadata


Edward H. Meadows was married to Sallie L. Hancock, at Christ Church by the Rev. Edward M. Forbes, Dec. 17th, 1867.
Mary Primrose Meadows daughter of E.H. and Sallie L. Meadows was born Jun[?] 7th 1868
Edward Hancock son of E.H. and Sallie L. Meadows was born Oct 2nd 1874 and died July 20th 1876.
Denard Hancock died March 28th, 1873 age 61 years
Robert Hancock died Dec 30 1882 [?] age 76 years.
Edward Hancock Meadows died July 20 1876 aged 1 year & 10 months
Mary Eliza Hancock daughter of J.J. & F.P. Latham was born April 6th 1822, died June 17th 1894.
Julia J. Latham died April 14th 1886 age 89 years.

[p. 2]
Denard Hancock was married to Mary Eliza Latham by the Rev. J. Johnson on Thursday October 16th 1845.
Mary Eliza Latham was born April 6th 1822 [stricken out]
Fredrick Latham Hancock Died May 17th 1887
Fredrick L. Hancock was married to Henrietta L. Burwell March 16th 1881
Denard & Robert Hancock was born Dec 13th & 14th 1812

[p. 3]
Carolina Hancock was Born on Friday half past 4 oclock April 28th 1854 daughter of D.& M.E. Hancock.
Pauline Whihurst Hancock died June 9th 186_ [illegible, possibly 1863]
Denard Hancock son of Denard and Mary E Hancock was Born on Saturday November the 21, 1857
Mary Eliza Hancock was born Sept 25th 1860
Pauline Whitehurst Hancock was born April 20th 1863.

[p. 4]
Sally Latham Hancock Daughter of Denard & Mary Eliza Hancock was Born on Wednesday August the 12th 1846
Fredrick Latham Hancock Son of Denard & Mary E. Hancock was Born on Monday July 23rd 1849
Samuel Chapman Hancock Son of Denard & Mary E. Hancock was Born on Friday [stricken] Saturday [written over Friday] Febuary 28th 1852 five minutes past twelve oclock

Original Format



“Meadows-Hancock Family Bible,” Craven County Digital History, accessed February 7, 2025,