Whitford Family Bible

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Whitford Family Bible


Whitford family
Smith family
Speight family
Whitehurst family
Bible records--North Carolina--Craven County


The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Newly Translated out of the Original Greek: And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. By His Majesties Special Command. Appointed to be Read in Churches. Oxford: Printed by John Baskett, Printer to the University, M DCC XXIII [i.e. 1723]
Xerographic copies; 8.5x11 inches; 11 pages




This item is presented courtesy of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library for research and educational purposes. Prior permission from the New Bern-Craven County Public Library is required for any commercial use.










Craven County, North Carolina

Text Item Type Metadata


[page 1]
The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Newly Translated out of the Original Greek: And with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. By His Majesties Special Command. Appointed to be Read in Churches. Oxford: Printed by John Baskett, Printer to the University, M DCC XXIII [i.e. 1723]
[penciled in near bottom of page]
Nancy mother of H.P. Whitehurst
Daughter of Martin Whitford.

[page 2]
Sarah Smith wife of Thos. Smith was born [illegible] the 19th in the year of our Lord God 1762.
Nancy Whitford daughter of Marten Whitford and Marry his wife was born the 23 day of march in the year of our Lord & Saviour 1783.
Betsey Smith daughter of Tho[s Smith] & Sarah his wife was born the [torn] of July, in the yeare of our Lord [&] Saviour 1781.
John Smith Son of Thomas Smith [torn] his wife was born the 8 day of March [in] the yeare of our Lord & Saviour 1783.
Polley [? faded and out of focus in photo] Smith daughter of Thos. Smith and Sarah his wife was born April the 30 1785.
Salley Smith daughter of Thos. Smith and Sarah his Wife was born Febury the 7 1788.
Polley Smith daughter of the Same parents was bornd the 6 day of [faded in photo] 1791.
Solomn Smith son of the same parents was born June the 5th day 1793.

[page 3]
John Whitford son of Martin Whitford and Mary his wife was bornd October the 9, 1766.
One thousand seven hundred & sixty six.
William Whitford son of Thos: Whitford and Sara his wif was born Novmbear ye 21 day about half an ouer past on oClok in ye aftrn. In year of our Lord God 1752 [photo has year cut off, year provided by W. Richard Faulkner]
Henrey Purify Whithust Son of Shadrick Whithust and Nancy his wife was Bornd August the 19th day 1813. [Photo has the 9 in 19th cut off, day provided by W. Richard Faulkner]

[page 4]
Thomas Spite son of Willum Spite and Elesabeth his wif was born Novmbear ye fost day in year of our lord God 1752
& mar marred on November forth day David Whitford. [year of marriage not given]

[page 5]
David R. Whitford son of John Whitford and Hollon his wife was bornd July the 30th Day in the year of our Lord—1784.
Celia Whitford Daughter of John Whitford and Hollon his wife was born the 19th [in gutter of Bible and illegible on photo] of April in the year of our lord [in gutter of Bible].
Marten Whitford [smeared]
Martin Whitford Departed this Life November the 16th Day 1804. Aged 70 years and one month.

[page 6]
God do men this book attend my book and hart Shall never part and this you See remember Me.
Martin Whitford 176[torn]
Elezabeth Spite daftar of William Spite & Elezabeth his Wife Was born May ye fost in ye year of our Lord 1752.

[page 7]
[Several entries too faint to read names, dates of 1710 and 1729 stand out.]
Fanna giddens daughter of Agnes Giddens borned Junerary the 22 1782.
Sarah W

[page 8]
John Whitford Son of Thomas Whitford and Sarah his wife War bornd October the first Day in the year of our Lord 1744.
[Entry written over and very faint.]
John Whitford and Hollon his wife Was marred Apriel the 11th day 179[in gutter of book]
John Whitford departed this life October the 8th 1829 about one Oclock in the morning on Thursday after eleven days illness aged 63 Sixty three years lacking one day.

[page 9]
[Several faint entries date 1740 legible on one.]
Omeata boy called Jhon Mergn was born febrary ye 11 1748. Sold to Artar Jonston and is fre at thorty one year old sold by Thomas Whitford.
Richard Whitford son of John Whitford and Sarah his wife was Bornd Desember the 12 day 1770.
John Whi
John hear they was Bornd Desember the 18—1759.

[page 10]
John Whitford, Son of Thomas W and Sarah his wife was bornd October the first Day [in] the year of our Lord God 174[4]
Elezabeth Whitford dafter of Thos. Whitford Was born July ye 24 day in ear of Our Lord God 1732.
Marten Whitford son of Thos. Whitford and Sara his Wif Was born Otobr Ye fost 1 day in year of our Lord God 1734.

[page 11]
[Top half of page 10, magnified]John Whitford, Son of Thomas W and Sarah his wife was bornd October the first Day [in] the year of our Lord God 174[4]
Elezabeth Whitford dafter of Thos. Whitford Was born July ye 24 day in ear of Our Lord God 1732.

Original Format



“Whitford Family Bible,” Craven County Digital History, accessed January 15, 2025, https://kellenberger.mycprl.org/digital/items/show/963.