Early Settlers of Craven County, North Carolina

This Early Settlers of Craven County, North Carolina, Database was created by Susan M. Benning, a former Reference Assistant in the Kellenberger Room, and now Librarian at the Lee County Public Library. She graciously allowed the Kellenberger Room to add this database to our site.

The information in the database contains names, dates, and event information on over 13,000 individuals, chiefly living in the 1700s. It has been expanded to include some individuals in the early 1800s by Victor T. Jones, Jr.

By clicking on the Source number, you will obtain a bibliographical note about the source from which the information on the individual was found. Check your local library for some of these items, as they often come from widely available sources.

First Name Contains: (i.e. William, Will, W)
Last Name Contains: (i.e. Toler, Tol, T)
Event Contains: (i.e. Militia, Tax, Land)