1769 List of Taxables and Carriage Wheels in Craven County

The 1769 List of Taxables and Carriage Wheels in Craven County on this site is transcribed from the microfilm produced by the State Archives of North Carolina. Labeled S.108.155, the tax lists on the reel cover numerous counties for a variety of years. They are filmed from originals in the Secretary of State's records (series SS 837).

During 1769, free males 16 years and older and slaves (male and female) 12 years and older were taxable. The list is a "true copy" made by Christopher Neal and arranged in loose alphabetical order by the first letter of the last name. The complete list is 32 pages long, including a page that totals the figures of the previous 31 pages. Neal's list contains 1238 white males, 849 black males, and 697 black females, plus 52 carriage wheels.

Page 1...Names Beginning with A
Page 2...Names A and B
Page 3...Names B 
Page 4...Names B
Page 5...Names B and C
Page 6...Names C
Page 7...Names C
Page 8...Names C and D
Page 9...Names D and E
Page 10...Names F
Page 11...Names F and G
Page 12...Names G 
Page 13...Names H
Page 14...Names H
Page 15...Names H, I and J 
Page 16... Names I, J and K
Page 17...Names K and L
Page 18...Names L and M
Page 19...Names M
Page 20...Names M and N
Page 21...Names N, O and P
Page 22...Names P
Page 23...Names Q and R
Page 24...Names R and S
Page 25...Names S 
Page 26...Names S
Page 27...Names T
Page 28...Names T, U and V
Page 29...Names W
Page 30...Names W
Page 31...Names W and Y (no X or Z) 
Page 32...Recapitulation and Totals