1741 New Bern "Census" The following "census" is taken from the Craven County Court Minutes, December 1741 Term. "Read the Pet. of Mr.William Heritage in these Words &c praying concerning Hoggs Runing at Large in Newbern town & that the Numbr of Inhabitants be Recorded as by the Sd Pet. more fully doth appear for upon which the Court orders that a List of the Sd. Inhabitants be taken as follows, To wit
& Called upon Edwd. Carter Town Constable to prove the truth of the same who Declares upon oath that the Inhabitants aforesd. do Dwell within the Limits of the said town to the best of his knowledge." *Some researchers have read Lemuel's last name as Coke others as Core; John's last name has also been read as Jones. [Heritage of Craven County, p. 7; Weynette Haun, Craven County Court Minutes, Book 2, page 150] |