Records from 1826 to 1830
13 February 1826—John Lemmon, an orphan aged 15 years, bound to Solomon Howland as a mariner.
13 February 1826—Charlotte Phelps, an orphan aged 10 years, bound to Solomon Howland as a seampstress.
14 February 1826—Asa Pimikin, an orphan aged 11 years, bound to John C. Stanly as a plasterer.
8 May 1826—Wiley Johnson, an orphan aged 10 years, bound to Abram Johnson [also Jonson] as a cooper.
8 May 1826—Alfred Moore, an orphan aged [blank] years, bound to John Gowing as a rope maker.
8 May 1826—Levi Moore, an orphan aged 9 years, bound to John Gowing as a rope maker.
8 May 1826—Elijah Moore, an orphan aged [blank] years, bound to John Gowing as a rope maker.
9 May 1826—Joseph Martin, an orphan aged 17 years, bound to Uriah Sandy as a carpenter.
10 May 1826—Augustine Martin, an orphan aged 18 years, bound to John C. Stanly as a spinster.
15 August 1826—Sally Ann Wicks, an orphan free girl of color aged 14 years, bound to Susan Mastin as a spinster.
13 November 1826—James Sumerel Moore, an orphan aged 18 years, bound to John Gowing as a rope maker.
13 November 1826—"I hereby resign to the worshipfull Court of Craven County the indentures of apprenticeship of William West. David B. Gibson."
12 February 1827—Hinson Witherington, an orphan aged 17 years, bound to Solomon Witherington as a cooper.
14 February 1827—David Oliver, an orphan aged 13 years, bound to Platt L. Wicks as a seaman.
15 February 1827—Edward G. Joyce, an orphan aged 19 years, bound to James Ryal as a clerk and merchant.
[May 1827]—"To the Sheriff of Craven County, Greeting: Whereas the Grand Jury lately in our county Court of Craven presented to said court Giles Fearns, Pigott Daniels and Seth McCotter orphans of this county who are without guardians or masters. We therefore command you as before to bring the said orphans before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions at the Court to be held for Craven County on the second Monday of August next; then & there to be apprenticed according to Act of Assembly." [Endorsed: "Pigott Daniels said to be bound to Randall C. Daniels; Elijah V. Pittman Seth McCotter’s guardian; Giles Fearns not to be found. July 17th 1827."] There is also a summons dated February 1827 for appearance at the May 1827 term. This was marked too late to be served.
14 May 1827—Israel Pettifer, an orphan aged 10 years, bound to John C. Stanly as a farmer.
14 May 1827—Francis Pettifer, an orphan aged 10 years, bound to John C. Stanly as a farmer.
14 May 1827—Wright Pettifer, an orphan aged 12 years, bound to John C. Stanly as a farmer.
15 May 1827—Elijah P. Daniels, an orphan aged 18 years, bound to Randall Daniels as a cooper.
[2nd Monday of August 1827]—"State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Craven County, Greeting: Whereas the Grand Jury, at the August Sessions AD 1827, of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions of our County of Craven, did present to said court the names of the following orphans, who are without parents, guardians or masters: that is to say: William Sparrow, son of Mydaett Sparrow, aged 11 or 12 residing at Beard’s Creek and John Parris, son of Zadoc Parris, aged 10 years residing at Lower Broad Creek. Therefore we command you that you bring said orphans above named before the said court on the second Monday of November next…J.G. Stanly, Clerk."
14 August 1827—Louisa Lewis, an orphan aged 14 years, bound to James Hamilton as a spinster.
15 August 1827—"August Term Craven County Court. The Grand Jurors Recommend the following Boys to the Court whom we think suitable to be bound out being without parent or guardian.—William Sparrow, aged 11 or 12 years, residing at Beards Creek son of Mijet Sparrow, decd. John Parris, son of Zedic Parris decd. Residing at lower Broad Creek, 10 years old. John M. Bryan, foreman."
15 August 1827—Charles Driggers, an orphan aged 13 years, bound to James Caton as a shoemaker.
15 August 1827—James Driggers, an orphan aged 14 years, bound to Fred. P. Latham as a cooper.
15 August 1827—James Everington, an orphan aged 11 years, bound to Hilliard Everington as a shoemaker.
26 October 1827—"Mr. James Katen, Sir, I shall at the next County Court of Craven move said Court to have the order rescinded which bound James Gregris to you as he was bound to me before. Yours, Jno. C. Stanly." [Endorsed: "Notice Mr. James Katen copy served a true copy of the within on James Caten 29 Oct 1827. Elijah Clark, sheriff."]
26 October 1827—"Frederick Latham, Esqr. Sir, I shall at the next County Court of Craven move said Court to have the order rescinded which bound Charles Gregris to you as he was bound to me before. Newbern, 26 Oct 1827. Yours, Jno. C. Stanly." [Endorsed: "Executed by handing a true copy of the within to Fredk. Latham, October 26, 1827. Elijah Clark, Sheriff, by Charles Kelly, D.S."
12 November 1827—William Greggers, an orphan aged 8 years, bound to John C. Stanly as a farmer.
12 November 1827—John Greggers [also Griggers], an orphan aged 8 years, bound to John C. Stanly as a farmer.
12 November 1827—Johnson Linzy [also Lindsay], an orphan aged 5 years, bound to Samuel S. Simpson as a farmer.
12 November 1827—Joshua Linzy [also Lindsay], an orphan aged 6 years, bound to Samuel S. Simpson as a farmer.
13 November 1827—March Crachfield, an orphan aged 14 years, bound to Sidney Hamilton as a seamstress.
16 November 1827—Noah, an orphan aged 13 years, bound to David Cutrell as a cooper.
16 November 1827—Roscoe Rowe, an orphan aged 14 years, bound to Spence P. Willis as a tailor.
13 February 1828—Susan Copes, an orphan aged 11 years, bound to John M. Roberts as a seamstress.
12 May 1828—"Mr. John Gowan, Take notice that application will be made at the present term of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions for the County of Craven now sitting, to rescind the indentures of apprenticeship, entered into by you in behalf of Francis Smaw, where you can attend & contest the matter if you think proper. James W. Bryan, atty for Smaw." [Endorsed: "Executed by delivering a copy of the written notice to John Gowan, May 12, 1828. J. L. Carrow, D. Shff."]
16 May 1828—Abraham B.N. Raven, an orphan aged 13 years, bound to George W. Dixon as a tailor.
16 May 1828—John H. Wallace, an orphan aged 15 years, bound to George W. Dixon as a tailor.
17 May 1828—Robert Whitehurst, an orphan aged about 14 years, bound to Lucas B. Herritage as a sail maker.
11 August 1828—Carney Cahoon, an orphan aged 14 years, bound to John Gill as a gold and silver smith.
12 August 1828—Oliver Hall, an orphan aged 11 years, bound to Joseph Hall as a farmer.
12 August 1828—Mary Moor, an orphan aged 11 years, bound to Lucy Harris as a spinster.
12 August 1828—Jacob Dove, an orphan aged 10 years, bound to John C. Stanly as a farmer.
13 August 1828—Southey Kees, an orphan aged 9 years, bound to Thomas Jerkins as a seaman.
13 August 1828—Richard Hill, an orphan aged 15 years, bound to John Neale as a farmer.
13 August 1828—Henry Prosate, an orphan aged 9 years, bound to James Woods as a shoemaker.
10 November 1828—John Heath, an orphan aged 15 years, bound to John Gowing as a rope maker.
[2nd Monday of May, 1829]—"State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Craven County. Greeting, You are hereby commanded to summon Nathan White, personally to be and appear before the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Craven County at the Court to be held for said county at the court house in Newbern on the second Monday in August next, then & there to shew cause, if any he hath, why the Indentures of Joseph Stewart should not be rescinded. J.G. Stanly"
11 May 1829—Edward Gatlin, an orphan aged 15? years, bound to Hilliard Everington as a shoemaker.
11 May 1829—Lewis Oliver, an orphan aged 15 years, bound to David Reid as a weaver.
14 May 1829 [filed in the 1844 folder]—Grand jury presents "Admirl McIntosh an orphan boy the son of Sidney McIntosh...said boy is said to be about Nine years old who resides on the North Side of Neuse River about Five Miles from Newbern. Henry Dewey, Foreman; Ephraim Arthur, RIchard Spencer, Brice Fonvielle, John Hutchinson, Wm. Stapleford, Silas Brinson, James Kilpatrick, Alexr. Pritchett, Geo. Cooper, Esau Tingle, Jas. Jewell, D.R. Whitford [signatures of Grand Jury members]"
11 August 1829—William Gatlin, an orphan aged 13 years, bound to William T. Holton as a shoemaker.
12 August 1829—Rhoda Gatlin, an orphan aged 8 years, bound to James Tingle as a spinster.
November 1829 [filed in the 1844 folder]—Grand Jury presentments...Hancy Weaver and Frank Vendrick for keeping a disorderly and riotous house. Daniel Lockhart to prove the same. Orphans "wanting the attention of the Court": Thomas Porter, a boy of color, at Wm. H. Justises; Daniel Humphry in New Bern; John Humphry in New Bern; John Chesnuts son, name not known; Jno Chistnut is bound to Capt. Brookfield.
9 November 1829—James Hobbs, an orphan aged 11 years, bound to David Reid as weaver.
9 November 1829—Andrew J. Humphrey, an orphan aged 11 years, bound to David Reid as a weaver.
10 November 1829—John Packnett [also Paquinett], an orphan aged 11 years, bound to Thomas R. Longest as a carpenter.
12 November 1829—Joseph Chesnutt, an orphan aged 13 years, bound to John A. Brookfield as a mariner.
10 [missing] 1830—Benjamin [torn], an orphan aged 14 years the 14th of September next, bound to Thomas Meredith as a printer.
10 February 1830—Betsey Cowell, an orphan aged 13 years, bound to Sarah Bland until 18 years as a sempstress.
August Term 1830—"Craven County Court. August Term AD 1830. It is Ordered that John Hutchinson shew cause on Friday of this term why the Indentures of James Howard should not be rescinded. Attest J.G. Stanly."
[2nd Monday of August 1830]—"State of North Carolina. To the Sheriff of Craven County, Greeting: Whereas a the August sessions 1830 of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions of Craven County it was presented by the grand Jury that Matilda Porter is without any means of maintaining her family and has four children of an age to be bound out. We therefore command you, that you make known to the said Matilda Porter that she have and produce said children before the Justices of our said court at the Court house in New Bern on the second Monday of November next and then & there appear & shew cause if any she has, why the said children should not be bound out to learn some useful trade…" [Other documents concerning Matilda Porter states she is "burthensome to the neighbourhood in which she resides, and having no property or visable means of maintaining her family, and has Six Children, five of which are coulered and four of the same are of sufficient age to be bound out." Witnesses were David B. Gibson, Levi F. Rowe, William H. Ives. Persons willing to take the children William H. Ives, William Bailey, D.B. Gibson, Dexter Gibson, Council B. Wood.]
10 August 1830—John Daw, an orphan aged 9 years, bound to David Cutrell as a cooper.
12 August 1830—"The Grand Jury Presents Prudence Jackson as without means of subsistance and has four children—two of which is old enough to be Bound out to service. Craven Dickerson, Joshua Jones. Persons willing to take these children Craven Dickerson Lewis Fowler." [Other summonses for Prudence Jackson to appear before court with her children.]
November 1830—"The Grand Jury on their oath say no Bill on the oath of Jno. Fosque. John Burney, Four Man."
November 1830—"The Grand Jury recommend to the Court the Orphan child of John Chesnut, decd., having no Guardian for further information Enquire of Ephraim Wilson. The Grand Jury recommend to the Court the Orphan Children of Sydney Ebon having no Guardian and are in want of food & clothing for further information call on Ephraim Wilson. The Grand Jury recommend the Orphan Children of Wright Smithic, decd., having no Guardian and are in want of necessaries for further information call on Cason Fell & Isaac Pipkin, Jnr. The Grand Jury recommen the Orphan son of Midyet Sparrow having no Guardian for further information call on Cason Fell. The Grand Jury recommend to the Court Polly Burnet an Ophan, having no guardian call on Isaac Pipkin. The Jury recommend to the Courth the eldest child of Ann Lane. Call on Isaac Pipkin Jnr., Willis Rawls. The Grand Jury examined the Prison and find it Clean and the Prisons all clean. John Burney, foreman."
8 November 1830—"Richard Smith. Take notice I shall apply at November Term 1830 of the County Court of Craven, to rescind the Indentures of Apprenticeship which you entered into for my daughter Margaret Chapman. Caesar Chapman."
8 November 1830—Thomas Porter, an orphan aged 9 years, bound to William Physioc as a cooper "Words read and write crossed by order of the court."
11 November 1830—Margaret Chapman, an orphan aged 11 years, bound to Joshua Delano as a spinster.
11 November 1830—Francis Chesnutt, an orphan aged 10 years, bound to Raymond Castix as a shoemaker.