Certificates Received of J.C. Bryan, Sheriff of Craven for Taxes 1785

The following listing was found in the Treasurer's and Comptrollers Papers (Box 33, folder 2: 1770-1799) at the North Carolina Archives. The listing below includes only the names of the individuals, not the amounts paid to the Sheriff. The original four paged document numbers the names from 1 to 113. There are only 111 names on the list, as number 1 has no name listed beside it, and number 72 is omitted. Beside each name on the original is three columns of numbers which appear to be amounts owed in pounds, shillings, and pence. It is unclear what the first two columns represent (possibly polls and land), but the third column is the total of the previous two columns. Also, I am unsure what "Bounty" indicates in three cases on the list (twice below George Simmons and once below John Nelson).

July 16, 1786

[First Page] John Pollard

John Faucett

Anthony Ward

J.D. Dunn

George Simmons

John Olive


James Meadows


Hannah Kemp

James Killum

Caleb Willis

John Fonville

William Sullivant

Demsy Delamare

William Porter

John Thomas

Thomas King

Francis Dawson

Giles Riggs

Peter Ipock

John Pollock

Andrew Read

Thomas Gaskins [stricken in original]

Peter Horsends

Amos Cuthrel

Thomas Ogden

Coventon Searls [stricken in original]

Henry Purss

Lawrence Blakey

Thomas Murphy

Thomas Worth

Goin Cuthrel

John Allen

John Arthur

David Murdock

Waxell Perry

Anthony Deen [Dun?]

James Hollis

Willis Whithead

Elijah Fisher

Ethelred Thornton

Joseph Brinson

John Rice

John Gaskins

Chrisr. Neale

Elijah Moore

John Slade

John Gatlin

Joseph Carter

Ephraim Rice

Elijah Hutchins

James Martin

George Holton

John Scott

Edward Gatlin

Thomas Harris

Michael Curmon

Saml. Willis

Jesse Black

Demsey Delamare

Daniel Squires

John Blakey

George Charlton

Richard Barrington

Wm. Erwin

Jesse Carraway

Nat. Street

John Whitford

[Third Page] John Couger

Saml. Willis

Richd. Dobbs Spaight

John Camp

Jacob Warrin

Tholomee Morris

John Allen

James Pearce

Willis Whitfield

Armwell Herron

Sutton Trueluck

Sodering Robson

John Nelson

Thos. Sanderson


John Summons

John Harroll

Abner Neal

Paul Hamilton

Jacob Taylor

Jacob Johnston

[Second Page] James Pearson

Thos. Forns [Torns?]

James Miller

John Grainger

James Bizzil

Henry Smith

John Roberds

Cannon Smith

John Blanks

Ephraim Willis

David Alphin

John Williams

Levi Southern

John Ba[torn]

Jesse Stephens

Thos. Willis

Charles Russel

Elisha Lewis

Wm. King

William Williams

Wm. Perry