Records from 1855 to 1859


13 March 1855--John Campaux, an orphan aged 10 years, bound to Cason D. Brinson as a farmer.

13 June 1855--Cicero Mason, a free boy of color aged 15 years and son of Arete Mason, bound to John D. Flanner as a carpenter. The bond was signed by John D. Flanner and Alonzo T. Jerkins.

14 June 1855--George Walker, an orphan aged 12 years, bound to Phillip Lepper as a shoemaker.

6 September 1855--"...this is to certify that I am willing that William Holton shall be released from his bond which he gave to the said Court when my son David Jones was bound to him...Comfort x Jones. Witness: C.V. Swan." [See 11 March and 13 March 1854.]

15 September 1855--William Henry, a free boy of color and son of Lizzy Havens, bound to Henry M. Allen as a carpenter. The bond was signed by Henry M. Allen and Jeremiah N. Allen.

10 December 1855--James Purvis, son of Sally Worthington aged 10 years, bound to David Jackson as a farmer.

13 December 1855--James Mosely, a free boy of color aged 13 years, bound to James A. Suydam as a blacksmith. The bond was signed by James A. Suydam, Council B. Wood, and Whichcot White.

13 December 1855--William Mosely, a free boy of color aged 15 years, bound to James A. Suydam as a wheelwright. The bond was signed by James A. Suydam, Council B. Wood, and Whichcot White.


8 September 1856--Judy Ann Harford, an orphan aged 9 years, bound to Henry Woodard as a spinster.


December Term 1857--"It is ordered by the Court that the following children of free persons of colour whose names have been presented to the Court by the grand jury be brought into Court at the next be apprenticed to Suitable Masters, viz: a girl called Ceney Jones, a girl called Elizabeth Willoughby, a boy called Richard Garres..." A note on the reverse of the order states: "Richard Garres arrested and brought into court and his father Richard & Mother Nancy Garres summonsed to appear at the Court House in Newbern. Ninty cents expended in the delivery of said Richard. Ceney Jones and Elizabeth Willoughby not to be found. A.C. Latham, Shff. by A.L. Loftin, D. Shff."


No indentures filmed.


12 September 1859--James I. Caton [also James P. Caton], an orphan aged about 11 years, bound to John W. Pipkin as a farmer.

12 December 1859--Amy Shepard, an orphan aged 12 years, bound to Thomas M. Smith as a spinster.