Records from 1805 to 1809
27 February 1805—Hugh Gaylard [no age listed] bound to John Alderson in the art and mystery of a navigator and seaman.
15 March [1805]—William Cheney, an orphan aged 16 years and three months, bound to John M. Oliver as a house carpenter.
15 [March] 1805—Jacob Hebermister [?], a boy of 14 years of age, bound to Samuel Higgins as a seafaring man.
16 [March 1805]—Joshua Dove, a free person of colour aged 6 years the 28 May next, bound to Thomas Austin as a cooper.
10 [June] 1805—Oliver Hall, son of Oliver Hall decd. [no age listed], bound to John Biggs as a ship carpenter.
10 June 1805—David Murdock, aged 16 [17?] years, bound to Freeman Woods as a silver smith.
10 June 1805—James Murdock, aged 17 years last November, bound to Martin Stevenson as a joiner and house carpenter.
10 June 1805—Elijah Dudley [no age listed] bound to John Smith as a blacksmith.
10 June 1805—Anna Everenton, aged 11 years, bound to Jesse Everenton as a spinster.
12 June 1805—Joseph Pendleton, aged 17 years, bound to Alexander Torrans as a mariner.
12 June 1805—James Riden, aged 13 years, bound to Eli F. Smallwood as a mariner.
13 June 1805—Christopher Dudley, aged 17 years, bound to Charles Roach, Junr., as a blacksmith.
13 June 1805—Edward Dawson, aged 15 years, bound to Samuel Fisher as a mariner.
13 June 1805—Samuel Mackey, aged 13 years, bound to Christopher L. Lente, as a mariner.
2nd Monday of September [9 September] 1805—William Griffith, orphan aged about 14 years, bound to Salmon Hall as a book binder.
10 September 1805—Joseph Masters, orphan aged 15 years in December next, bound to Joseph Dowdee as a ship carpenter.
10 September 1805—William Parrish, a free person of colour aged 5 years in April last, bound to Shadrach Davis as a cooper.
10 September 1805—Elijah Dudley, an orphan aged 15 years the 15 of November next, bound to Job Meadows as a shoemaker.
11 September 1805—Keziah Philps [Phelps], orphan girl aged 12 years, bound to Richard Fisher as a spinster.
11 September 1805—John Davis, an orphan aged 12 years, bound to Elijah Clark as a chairmaker.
12 September [1805?]—Elijah Moore, a base begotten child aged 18 months, bound to Jacob Moore as a cooper.
12 September 180[5]—Elijah Moore, a base begotten child aged 18 months, bound to Jacob Moore as a cooper.
10 December 1805—John Davis, an orphan [no age listed], bound to William Sevill as a cooper.
11 December 1805—Sidney Rice, an orphan girl aged 14 years, bound to Richard Lincoln as a spinster. [Endorsement reads Jeney Rice]
13 December 1805—Jeremiah Godett, a free person of colour aged one year in March last, bound to George Godett as a cooper.
12 March 1806—John Custis [Curtis?], aged 18 years, bound to William Pritchard as a chair maker.
13 March 1806—John Jinnet McLin, aged [blank] years, bound to Francis Xavier Martin as a printer.
13 March 1806—Caleb McGunn, aged 15 years, bound to Adam Scott as a shoemaker.
13 March 1806—Nimrod West, son of John West, aged 15 years, bound to William Nichols as a carpenter.
13 March 1806—William Dove, "a black aged 15 years", bound to William Jones as a cooper.
14 March 1806—John S. Pasteur, son of Thomas Pasteur, aged 16 [or 10] years, bound to Francis Xavier Martin as a printer.
14 March 1806—Thomas Pasteur, son of Thomas Pasteur, aged 15 years, bound to Francis X. Martin as a printer.
9 June 1806—James McMains, orphan aged 14 years, bound to Francios X. Martin as a rope maker.
10 June 1806—Summons for John Clark to appear in court to answer charges that he "should not be discharged from his Indentures, for ill treatment, and improper use of his time" against his apprentice Elias McClaney Parish Anderson.
12 June 1806—Thomas Day, orphan aged 15 years and 6 months, bound to Jeremiah Mastin as a mariner.
13 June 1806—Hardy Lane, orphan aged 13 years 6 months, bound to Hardy Sanders as a house carpenter.
10 September 1806—Morris Russell, orphan aged 14 years, bound to Charles Roach, Jr., as a blacksmith.
11 September 1806—William Lewis, free boy of color aged 13 years, bound to Richard Harden as a Taylor.
11 September 1806—Edmund Williams, orphan aged 13 years, bound to Benajah Bogey as a cooper.
11 September 1806—John Williams, orphan aged 11 years, bound to Benajah Bogey as a cooper.
11 September 1806—John Green, an orphan aged 15 years, bound to Elijah Clark as a chairmaker.
9 December 1806—William Wise, an orphan aged 18 years, bound to Frederick Biggs as a blacksmith.
10 December 1806—Andrew K. Gill, orphan aged 10 years in February next, bound to William Trippe as a taylor.
10 December 1806—Baston Prescott, orphan aged 16 years, bound to Elijah Scott as a shoemaker.
11 December 1806—Elias Riggs, orphan aged 16 years, bound to Samuel Potter as a cooper.
9 March 1807—Joseph Oliver, orphan aged between 16 and 17 years, bound to Enoch Masters as a ship carpenter.
9 March 1807—John Carney, an orphan boy aged [blank], bound to Thomas Watson and Salmon Hall as a printer.
9 March 1807—Christopher Neale, an orphan boy aged 19 years, bound to Thomas Watson and Salmon Hall as a printer.
9 March 1807—Thomas Pasteur, an orphan boy aged 16 years, bound to Thomas Watson and Salmon Hall as a printer.
9 March 1807—John Pasteur, an orphan boy [no age listed], bound to Thomas Watson and Salmon Hall as a printer.
9 June 1807—Israel Harris, a free person of color aged 15 years, bound to Jane Carney as a cooper.
10 [June] 1807—Loftin Chance, a free boy of color aged 9 years, bound to Thomas Roe as a cooper.
10 June 1807—John Dove, a free black boy aged 14 years, bound to John C. Stanly as a brick maker.
10 June 1807—Jacob Harris, aged 8 years, bound to Donum Montford as a plasterer and mason.
11 June 1807—Lucas Heritage, aged 12 years, bound to Richard Carter as a sail maker.
11 June 1807—William Little, aged 14 years, bound to John Dewey as a carpenter.
11 June 1807—Matthew Williams, aged 16 years the 24th of April 1807, bound to Richard Carter as a sail maker.
9 September 1807—Lewis Kinsey was born 24 December 1802 and given to Lawson Davis by his parents Harden Ives and Nansey Kinsey at age 5 years. His parents are both dead. [Filed in the no date folder.]
14 September 1807—Rickey Carter, aged 12 years, bound to Jeoffry Sampson [also Samson] as a cooper.
15 September 1807—Bryan Daw, aged 16 years, bound to Jesse Vendrick as a shoemaker.
15 September 1807—James Dove, aged 14 years, bound to Gideon Jones as a cooper.
15 September 1807—[Constables writ] "To Thomas Patridge one of the constables of Craven County. You are hereby Commanded to take the bodies of the following free Negroes residents of the town of Newbern that is to say—Hannah aged 13 years & a boy aged 11, children of Old Barandnum—a girl aged 14 and two twin boys aged 7 years children of Aaron Spelman[?, name written over another illegible name]—Hezekiah a boy aged 7 [written over 9] years son of Kesiah Stringer, John aged 9 years, Dale aged 6 years children of Hezekiah Stringer—two female children aged ten & twelve years of Manuel and Elenor Hails—and have the same before the Justices of our County Court of Craven now sitting then & there to be bound out or otherwise disposed of as our said Court shall direct." [Endorsed on back "State vs. Sundry free blacks"]
15 September 1807—Bryan C. Wood, aged 16 years the 2nd of March 1808, bound to John Foley as a shoemaker.
15 September 1807—James Reese, aged 16 years, bound to Charles Roach, Junr., as a blacksmith.
17 September 1807—Will: Chance, a boy of color aged 7 years, bound to Lovick Jones as a cooper.
17 September 1807—Jim Edwards, son of [Brandham] Edwards, bound to Brandham [Edwards] as a butcher.
17 September 1807—Hannah Edwards, daughter of Branham [Edwards], bound to Branham Edwards as a spinster.
17 September 1807—Nancy Hails, daughter of Manuel Hails, bound to Manuel Hails as a spinster. [Signed his name "Emanuel Hale". Also included with the bond is an affidavit dated 17 September 1807. It reads: "This is to certify that I have known a certain black man by the name of Emanuel Hails this ten or twelve years and he has all ways passed as free, and I have never known anything of him but that he has been an honest, hard working person ever since he has been in this place, also I believe him to be as peasible a person as any whatsoever, given this 17 day of Sepr 1807…Thomas A Bryan, Wm Mitchell, Levi Moore, Wm Lawson, Hardy Bryan, Jno Templeton."]
17 September 1807—Peggy Hails, a free person of color daughter of Manuel Hails, bound to Manuel Hails as a spinster.
19 September 1807—Daniel Hasle, aged 9 years, bound to Thomas A. Green as a carpenter.
19 September 1807—Patience Hasle aged 11 years bound to Donum Montford as a spinster.
19 September 1807—Garrison Hasle [Hazsle?], aged 8 years, bound to Donum Montford as a bricklayer.
15 December 1807—Lovick Harris, aged 14 years the 24th of September 1807, bound to Beverly Wallace as a block maker.
16 December 1807—Samuel Cook, aged 12 years, bound to Thomas Cook as a carpenter.
16 December 1807—Jane Lewis, aged 12 [?, light ink], bound to Hardy Bryan as a spinster.
18 December 1807—Michael Lente, son of C.L. Lente aged 14 years, bound to William Hollister as a merchant.
[n.d. but filed in the 1808-1809 folder]—Grand Jury return that the following children are orphans and need "masters or proper persons to take care & govern them—1. James Harvey 2. Polly Harvey—Children of Mary Harvey. It is necessary in our opinions to make known to the court that Mary Harvey, the mother of the above children, is a woman of bad character and no ways suitable to have the management of the children. Mrs. Chace, who we understand intends to apply to have the girl who is mentioned in the bill handed in yesterday as living with her, is not a proper person, her character being the same as that of Mrs. Harvey. Wm. Laurence, foreman, Lott Battle, Frederick Divoux, Wm. Gatlin, Salmon Hall, John Burney, James Cousen, William Jones, Benjn. White, Latham Moore, John Chapman, Michael Fisher, Stepn. B. Forbes."
[n.d. but filed in the 1808-1809 folder]—Grand jury return "On the representation of Elijah Cratch (the foreman) Miles Brothers an orphan male childe the son of David Brothers, Dect.—is likely to become a county charge. Therefore we the grand jury unanimously agree that Christopher D. Delamare be recommended to take the said child as guardian and master. Elijah Cratch, Allen Ipock, James Davis, Cason Brinson, Smith Jones, William Griffin, Joseph Pollard, Harvy Morris, Chris. D. Delamar, J.D. Friou, Allen Ernul, Luther x Wertherton, Silas Brinson."
15 March 1808—William C. Nelson, aged 14 years, bound to William Nelson as a ship carpenter. [William Nelson signed his name ‘William C. Nelson’]
15 March 1808—Esther Harris [no age listed] bound to Mary Spikes as a spinster.
14 March 1808—Pharon[?] Lewis, aged 11 years, bound to John &. Wiley Riggs as a hatter. [endorsed on back "Pharoah Lewis bound to John & W. Riggs March 1809" {sic}]
15 March 1808—James Carter, son of Joseph Carter aged 16 years, bound to Elijah Clark as a chair maker.
13 September 1808—Ann Cooper, a free girl of color, bound to John C. Stanly as a spinster.
12 December 1808—Gatsy Davis, a free baseborn girl of color aged 9 years, bound to John M. Oliver as a spinster.
13 December 1808—William Richards, aged 15 years May 1809, bound to William Jones as a turner.
14 March 1809—Jenny a free baseborn girl of color bound to John S. Pasteur as a spinster.
14 March 1809—Bryan Callaway Woods [no age] bound to Monson Peckham as a turner and painter.
14 March 1809—John Mooris, aged 14 years the 4th of March 1809, bound to Elijah Scott as a shoemaker.
14 March 1809—Jesse [Lecester? aged ?? (illegible)] bound to James & Wiley Riggs as a hatter.
14 March 1809—Robert Dade, aged [blank] years, bound to John S. Pasteur as a printer.
15 March 1809—Caleb Copes, a free boy of color, bound to James Dukes as a ship carpenter.
15 March 1809—Jacob Copes, a free boy of color, bound to James Dukes as a ship carpenter.
15 March 1809—James Dove, a free person of color aged 15 years and 6 months, bound to Joseph Sparrow as a boat builder.
19 April 1809—Writ to the Sheriff of Craven County to bring the following orphans to the June Court term: Thomas Willis, Hilliard Everington and Shadrack Barrington in Captain [William] Gatlin’s district and Wiley Barrot and James Hobbs in Captain Wingate’s district. Also a grand jury’s return for the March 1809 term that the above named orphans do not have guardians or masters and need to be bound as apprentices. Jurors are Wm. Bryan, foreman, John Fonvielle, Leroy T. Cox, Wm. M. Renney, Joseph Bell, James Whites, Willis Daudey[?], John King, Richd. Fonvielle, Bn, Brinson, Adam Gaskins, Edward Nelson, and Jesse Chapman.
12 June 1809—John Lane aged 12 years bound to John Harris as a shoemaker.
12 June 1809—William John Willis, orphan of Joshua Willis aged 15 years, bound to Adam Scott as a shoemaker.
13 June 1809—John Howard Muller aged 11 years bound to Archilaus Lipsey as a painter.
13 June 1809—James Ipock aged 14 years bound to James Ipock as a blacksmith.
14 June 1809—William Maning, a free boy of color aged 13 years, bound to John C. Stanly as a farmer.
11 September 1809—George Chase, aged 10 years, bound to William Thomas as a rigger.
12 September 1809—Jessy Powers, a free boy of color aged 9 years in March 1810, bound to William Mitchell as a farmer.
13 September 1809—Jacob Carter, a free boy of color aged 15 years in December 1809, bound to Joseph Physioc as a cooper.
15 September 1809—Thomas Hamilton, an orphan boy aged 16 years in January 1810, bound to Elijah Scott as a shoemaker.
12 December 1809—John Ernold aged 10 years bound to John Oliver as a [illegible].
12 December 1809—Charles Ernall aged 12 years bound to Saml. Oliver as a mariner.
15 December 1809—James Carter, aged 17 years, bound to John [S.] Green as a chair maker.