Dr. Ward in Manila
The many friends of Dr. J.M. Ward at Manila, will doubtless be pleased to know that he is still in the service of the United States army.
In a letter to his brother, Mr. D.L. Ward, written at Manila on June 7th, he says among other things:
“I had a hard year last year, especially the last six months--entirely shut of in the mountains, but I enjoyed it very much--magnificent deer, wild boars and carriboa shooting. Killed one morning nine deer and three wild boar. I have developed into the best rifle shot at running target in the regiment.
I am in charge at this time of the best hospital in the east, and my patients are the sick and wounded officers.
My health is fairly good, but the work is so confining, and exercise so limited, I am growing stout.
If you have any clients with a little ready money to invest tell them to come to Manila. Of all the opportunities, this exceeds all. A six room house, for instance, can be bought for $2500 in gold, and will rent for $200,00 a month. The capitalists are already here, waiting the next session of Congress to perfect titles to real estate, when it is expected the valuation will greatly advance. All the little tradesmen are making fortunes. Candy and ice cream stores are earning thousands. This is indeed the Eldorado.
I don’t know when I shall come home. Have not the slightest idea. Surgeons are scarce out here just at present.
The American lawyers out here are making fortunes. I never heard of such fees as they get. This is almost incredit able.”
It may be interesting to note that it takes about six weeks for a letter to reach Manila, and about the same time for it to return.
The Philippine Islands are now the property of the United States.
[New Bern Weekly Journal, August 13, 1901, page 4, column 2]