William F. Ward to A.D. Ward, November 28, 1918
The following letter has been received by Mr. A.D. Ward from his son, Ensign William F. Ward:
Gibralter, Nov. 28th, 1918.
Today is my birthday as you remember, and I thought it a good day to write you a letter which will probably reach you about Xmas.
Wrote you a letter from Africa a few days ago and hope you received it all right. Had an extremely interesting trip and wish you could have seen some of the sights I did. Saw several harems and one of them is said to have 300 wives in it. This belongs to the ex-Sultan. There is another at that place about the same size and many smaller ones.
Have been to Spain also and during my stay there stopped at what is said to be the finest hotel in Europe. It is the “Reina Cristina” and is a wonderful place. There is a garden around the hotel of about six acres with orange trees, palms and many varieties of beautiful flowers. The orange trees are laden with fruit now. Just missed a bull fight, but saw the ring and many interesting things. Spain is some country. She has the swellest places for gaming you ever saw with all amusements one could wish for right at hand, wonderful music, moving pictures, dancing and refreshments. Roulet and Petit Chevaux are the favorite games. These are played some strong at most of the places.
Have also visited some four or five or more cities in Portugal. Among them being the Capitol, Lisbon, and the second City of Portugal, Oporto. All these were quite interesting in many respects.
In addition I have of course been to the Azores, viz: Ponte Delgada and San Miguel. This is a very ancient and interesting place. The United States has a naval base here.
[End of letter as published in the newspaper]
The Morning New Bernian, Sunday, December 22, 1918, p. 6, c. 4