Dennis Mason, Jr. to Mrs. Dennis Mason, Sr., November 14, 1918


Mrs. Dennis Mason, of Atlantic, N.C., recently received the following letter from her son overseas:

                                                                                     France, November 14, 1918

Dear Mother:

Been trying to write for the past few weeks and this is the first time I have had a chance. Have had some wonderful experiences for the past few days. Was in heavy shell fire Sunday afternoon and spent Sunday night in a shell hole waiting for morning so we could “go over the top” early Monday morning. My first time over and believe me it was sure a hot time Machine guns and bursting shells on every side and I thought to get it every minute but did not get hurt. We were surrounded by machine guns and believe me it was sure a hot time. [Appears a line may have been omitted] back a few miles and at 11 o’clock the battle ceased. The Germans came over and said “the war was over, they had been instructed to stop firing at 11 o’clock.” Many of my friends were killed, but I thank God for my life. Just think we slept Monday night on the battlefield not over one hundred yards from German trenches. I am glad it is all over now, but I would not take anything for my experience in battle and, too, it being the last day. The Germans came over and we exchanged cigarettes and talked. It seemed impossible for one to be there and not get hurt, but I am sure thankful.

I am well and enjoying good health. Saw Julian and Baker yesterday. They were both well and getting along O.K.

I have not had any mail from you all in some time but I hope you all are enjoying good health. Hope to get some mail in a few days.

Remember now that I am O.K. and did not get hurt. Hope to get back in the states soon. It won’t be long, so let us be cheerful and wait patiently.

Remember I am thinking of you all.

                                                                                    Your son,


Written by Dennis Mason, Jr., Co. M, 321st Infantry, U.S.A. P.O. 791


Morning New Bernian, Tuesday, December 17, 1918, p. 7, c. 5