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New Bern Obituary Index Clipart of Tombstone

The New Bern Obituary Index helps users find obituaries or death notices located in the newspapers of New Bern. The dates given in the index are the dates of the obituary or death notice, not the actual dates of death.

The Obituary Index includes obituaries and death notices from 1751 through the current year.

Also included are several obituary "hoaxes" or death notices of people who were actually still living. Two such cases are the "obituaries" of Jimmie Lillian Roll in 1968 and John Koonce in 1888. For the trivia buff, the shortest name in our database is Ben, a slave, whose death was reported on April 25 and 26, 1848. The longest name in our database is Byron Hiram Ariom Long Myram William John Adrian Livingston Corbett, whose death is reported in the Tribune of August 17, 1935.

Copies of the obituaries or death notices listed in the index can be obtained by sending a check or money order for $2.00 for each notice to:

Kellenberger Room
New Bern-Craven County Public Library
400 Johnson Street
New Bern, NC 28560

Order by:
Last Name
First Name
Middle/Maiden Name

Records Found: 185612
Last Name First Name Middle/Maiden Name Month Day Year Newspaper Page Column URL
Worthington Bettie Stokes 7 26 1968 SJ 5 4 newspapers#sj
Worthington Milton K. 12 3 1962 SJ 4 6 newspapers#sj
Worthington Charles "Charlie" 6 3 2001 SJ --A4 -- newspapers#sj
Worthington Danez 8 30 1938 Tribune 1 3 newspapers#trib
Worthington Danez 8 30 1938 Tribune 4 3 newspapers#trib
Worthington Danez 3 30 1939 Tribune 1 3 newspapers#trib
Worthington E. G. 2 27 1921 MNB 1 1,2 newspapers#mnb
Worthington Eliza Emma 6 13 1834 Spectator 3 4 newspapers#sp
Worthington Ellen Anderson 3 30 2001 SJ --A4 -- newspapers#sj
Worthington Ellen Anderson 3 31 2001 SJ --A4 -- newspapers#sj
Worthington Danez 8 10 1941 SJ 1 8 newspapers#sj
Worthington Eloise Hardison 1 18 1997 SJ A4 -- newspapers#sj
Worthington Alma Virginia 2 18 2006 SJ B2 -- newspapers#sj
Worthington Eloise Hardison 1 19 1997 SJ A4 -- newspapers#sj
Worthington Eula Smith 3 15 1977 SJ 2A 1 newspapers#sj
Worthington Fred James 8 22 1975 SJ 2A 4 newspapers#sj
Worthington Horatio 2 22 1833 Spectator 3 1 newspapers#sp
Worthington Horatio 3 1 1833 Spectator 3 1 newspapers#sp
Worthington Jayne N. 7 16 1993 SJ A4 -- newspapers#sj
Worthington Jean Earl 4 25 2003 SJ A3 -- newspapers#sj
Worthington Annie Luetta 2 9 1970 SJ 2 4 newspapers#sj
Worthington Kenenth Dewitt 12 6 1990 SJ A4 -- newspapers#sj
Worthington Kenneth Dewitt 12 5 1990 SJ A4 -- newspapers#sj
Worthington Leona Cannon 6 14 1974 SJ 8 3 newspapers#sj
Worthington Marvin D. 9 21 1976 SJ 2A 1 newspapers#sj


Writing of John D. Whitford