Baskervill Family Bible

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Baskervill Family Bible


Baskervill family
Bible records--Virginia
Bible records--North Carolina


The Comprehensive Bible; containing the Old and New Testaments, according to the Authorized Version...Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854.
Xerographic copies; 8.5x11; 6 pages




This item is presented courtesy of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library for research and educational purposes. Prior permission from the New Bern-Craven County Public Library is required for any commercial use.










North Carolina

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Robert Dortch Baskervill Family Bible
Original owned by Jane Baskervill Murphy, October 19, 2003.

The Comprehensive Bible; containing the Old and New Testaments, according to The Authorized Version, with the various readings and marginal notes usually printed therewith…Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co., 1854.

[p. 1]
R.D. Baskervill and Betty P. Alexander were married on the 6th day of May 1857 (Eighteen hundred & fifty seven) by Revd. F.H. McGuire at Park Forest.
W.R. Baskervill and Sallie Boyd Burwell were married on the 22nd day of February 1911 by Rev. John N. Cole, at “Berry Hill” Mecklenburg Co. Va. At 8:00 p.m.
John M. Van Pelt and Lucy Burwell Baskervill were married on the 23 day of Nov. 1935 (Sat morn.) by the Rev. Edward Burwell, at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Warrenton, N.C. 8:00 P.M.
William Rust Baskervill Jr. and Elizabeth A. Hackney were married in Wilson, N.C. Nov. 5, 1949 (Saturday), by the Rev. Jarman at 8:00 p.m.
Robert Dortch Baskervill and Jane D. Gibbs were married in New Bern, N.C. in the First Presbyterian Church, Dec. 2, 1950 (Saturday) at 8:00 P.M. by the Rev. Howard Hartzell.
At Eureka her father’s home by Rev. P.M. Boyden, J. Tabb Neblett & M.E. Baskervill Nov 27th 1889.
Edgar Hatcher Crenshaw Jr. and Mary Spotswood Baskervill were married on the 2nd of May 1953 by the Rev. Howard Hartzell at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Warrenton, N.C. 8:00 P.M.
Branch Spalding and Sallie Spotswood Van Pelt were married April 6th (Fri) 1956
Sally Spotswood Van Pelt married the 2nd time to E Carter Fields Jr. in Charlottesville, Va. Sept (Fri) 9th, 1966 in the Episcopal Church in Ivy by Rev. Weeks at 12:00 noon.
William R. Baskervill III married Elizabeth McG___ in Lenoir N.C. Sept 29, 1979.

[p. 3]
William Rust, son of Robert D. & Betty A. Baskervill Nat: Febry 8th 1859.
Mark Alexander son of Robert D. & Betty A. Baskervill Nat: June 9th 1860.
Sarah Taylor daughter of Robert D. & Betty A. Baskervill Nat: Novr. 27th 1861.
Ann Coleman daughter of Robert D & Betty A Baskervill Nat: July 7th 1863.
Mary Eaton daughter of Robert D & Betty A Baskervill Nat: Augst 25th 1865.
Robert Dortch son of Robert D & Betty A Baskervill Nat: May 10th 1867.
Wm. R. 4th son of Robt. D. & Betty A Baskervill born at Eureka March 19th 1869.
Betty Park daughter of R.D.& Betty A. Baskervill nat: Feb 8th 1874 (at Eureka)
George 5th son of Robt. D. and B.A. Baskervill Nat at Eureka April 20 1877.
Robert Dortch Baskervill son of William R. and Sarah T. Baskervill was born Sept 16, 1826
Bettie Park Alexander daughter of Mark Alexander and Sallie L_____ Alexander, wife of Dr. Robert Dortch Baskervill was born Sept 10, 1835.
William Burwell Crenshaw son of E. Hatcher and Mary Spotswood Baskervill Crenshaw born March 2nd 1960 in Medical College of Va. Richmond Va.
Susan Williams Crenshaw daughter of E. Hatcher and Mary Spotswood Baskervill Crenshaw born Dec. 4th 1962 in Medical College of Va. Hospital, Richmond, Va. (Tuesday) Weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz.

[p. 4]
Lucy Burwell Baskervill daughter of W.R. and Sallie B. Baskervill, born (Monday) April 22nd, 1912 (at “Eureka” Va.)
William Rust Baskervill Jr. son of W.R. and Sallie B. Baskervill, born Aug 2nd 1913 (at “Eureka” Va.)
Robert Dortch Baskervill, 2nd son of William R. and Sallie B. Baskervill, born Sept. 9th 1914 (at “Eureka” Va.)
Mary Spotswood Baskervill 2nd daughter of W.R. and Sallie B. Baskervill born Feb. 26, Saturday 1927. (Richmond Va.) Stuart Circle Hospital.
Sallie Spottswood Van Pelt, daughter of John M. and Lucy Burwell Baskervill Van Pelt born Dec. 16, Wednesday 1936 at St. Luke’s Hospital, Richmond Va.
William Rust Baskervill III Son of William R. Baskervill Jr and Elizabeth Hackney Baskervill born Sept 21st 1950 in hospital in Wilson N.C.
Robert Dortch Baskervill Jr son of R.D. Baskervill and Jane Gibbs Baskervill born Oct 7, 1951 (Sunday) at Duke Hospital, Durham, N.C.
Evelyn Hackney Baskervill daughter of William R. and Elizabeth Hackney Baskervill born Nov. 29, 1952 (Sat.) at hospital in Wilson, N.C.
Mary Baskervill Crenshaw daughter of E. Hatcher and Mary Spotswood Baskervill Crenshaw born Sat. Dec 11th 1954 in Medical College of Va, Richmond Va.
Jane Gibbs Baskervill, daughter of Robert D. Baskervill and Jane Gibbs Baskervill born Tues. Feb. 1, 1955 in Hospital in New Bern, N.C.
Elizabeth Burwell Baskervill daughter of William R. Baskervill Jr. and Elizabeth Hackney Baskervill born Wed. Aug 15th 1956 in Hospital in South Hill, Va. at 11:00 A.M.
Edgar Hatcher Crenshaw III son of E. Hatcher Jr and Mary Spotswood Baskervill Crenshaw, born Dec 17, Monday 1956 in Medical College of Va. Richmond, Va.

[p. 5]
William Rust son of Robert D. & Betty A. Baskervill obt. 8th November 1859.
Mrs. Bettie Alexander Baskervill, beloved wife of Dr. R.D. Baskervill died at “Eureka” Va. June July 6, 1897, age 61.
Col. James Turner Alexander son of Mark Alexander and Sallie Turner, died in Alexandria, La. March 27th 1915 age 83.
Mark L. Alexander son of Hon. Mark Alexander and Sallie Turner, died in Norfolk Va. Oct 30th, 1927. Age 85
Mark Alexander Baskervill 2nd son of Dr. R.D. and Bettie A. Baskervill died at “Eureka” Va. Jan 9th 1929. Age 69
Robert Dortch Baskervill, 3rd son of Dr. R.D. and Bettie A. Baskervill, died in Richmond, Va. March 4th, 1931, age 64.
Sallie Baskervill Neblett, daughter of Dr. R.D. and Bettie A. Baskervill and wife of Clem G. Neblett, died at her home in Richmond, Va. July 1932 age 71.
Sarah Taylor Baskervill beloved wife of William R. Baskervill obt. At 1 oClock P.M. Thursday 12th December 1861 Waverly Honor. Aged 54.
Col Wm. R. Baskervill beloved father of Dr. R.D. Baskervill obt. 2 oclk P.M. Sunday 25 of May 1884 Aged 87 years.
Virginia Baskervill only daughter of late Col. W.R. & S.T. Baskervill died at her brothers residence 18th July 1885 in the 56 year of her age.
Dr. Robt D. Baskervill beloved husband of B.A. Baskervill & son of late Col. Wm. R. B. obt: at Eureka 15 min 1 ocl. Wed. 2d Sep 1891. Aged 65. Born Sept 16 1826
Hon. M. Alexander belov’ father B.A. Baskervill obt: S. Neck, N.C. 1 oCk 6th July 1883 Ag’d 91.
Sallie P. Alexander beloved Mother B.A. Baskervill obt: S.N. N.C. 9 ock AM Wed 30 Jan 1889. Aged 78.

[p. 6]
Ms. Bettie Baskervill Hobbs, wife of F.H. Hobbs and daughter of Dr. R.D. and Bettie Alexander Baskervill died in Norfolk Va, Feb. 24, 1937 at 8:00 P.M. Age 63 yrs.
Mrs. Mary Eaton Baskervill, wife of J. Tabb Neblett, daughter of Dr. R.D. Baskervill and Bettie Alexander Baskervill, died at the home of her son, Robert Baskervill Neblett, Alexandria, La. Sept. 23rd 1946 at 3:00 A.M. age 81 and one month.
Ann Coleman Baskervill daughter of Dr. R.D. and Bettie Alexander Baskervill died Sept 25th 1947 at 10:20 P.M. age 84 yrs.
William Rust Baskervill, son of Dr. Robert D. and Bettie Alexander Baskervill, husband of Sallie Burwell Baskervill died in Warrenton N.C. at his home Oct.[?] 20th 1960 at 2:00 A.M. Age 91 yrs. 7 months.
George Baskervill, 5th son of Dr. Robert D. and Bettie Alexander Baskervill, died in Greenwood, Miss. Hospital Nov 1st 1966. Age 89 yrs-7 months.
Branch Spalding, 1st husband of Sallie Spotswood Van Pelt, died suddenly of a heart attack in Charlottesville, Va, Aug. 1962.


“Baskervill Family Bible,” Craven County Digital History, accessed March 12, 2025,