Benjamin B. Hurst Family Bible

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Benjamin B. Hurst Family Bible


Hurst family
Green family
Bible records--North Carolina--Craven County


Self=Pronouncing Edition in Which all the Proper Names are Divided and Accented and the Variable Vowel and Consonant Sounds Marked, Showing How to Pronounce Them Correctly. The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of The Original Tongues; and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. The Text Conformable to that of the Edition of 1611, Commonly Known as the Authorized or King James Version…Philadelphia: A.J. Holman & Co., 1903.
Family Bible records of the Benjamin B. Hurst family of New Bern, N.C., with two newspaper clippings on the death of John Curtis Green.
Xerographic copies; 8.5x11 inches; 6 pages.




This item is presented courtesy of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library for research and educational purposes. Prior permission from the New Bern-Craven County Public Library is required for any commercial use.










Craven County, North Carolina

Text Item Type Metadata


[p. 1&2]
Self=Pronouncing Edition in Which all the Proper Names are Divided and Accented and the Variable Vowel and Consonant Sounds Marked, Showing How to Pronounce Them Correctly. The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated out of The Original Tongues; and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised. The Text Conformable to that of the Edition of 1611, Commonly Known as the Authorized or King James Version…Philadelphia: A.J. Holman & Co., 1903.

[p. 2]
Copyright, 1903, by A.J. Holman & Co.

[p. 3]
Benjamin B. Hurst and Daisy L. Green Jan. 9th 1907. New Bern, N.C.

[p. 4-5]
Name, Place of Birth, Date of Birth, Date of Marriage, Date of Death
B.B. Hurst; Marines, N.C.; Mar 2, 1876; Jan 9th 1907; Jan 23, 1919
Daisy L. Green; New Bern, N.C.; Feb 23, 1878; Jan 9, 1907; Dec 29, 1954
Mary Emma Hurst, daughter of Daisy L. and Benj. B. Hurst; New Bern, N.C.; Nov 22, 1909
Martha Turnbull Hurst, daughter of Daisy L. and Benj. B. Hurst, New Bern, N.C.; Sept 22, 1911
Lucy Carolyn Hurst, daughter of Geo. A. and Lena J. Hurst, Jacksonville, N.C.; Feb 5th 1910
B.B. Hurst Jr.; Son of Daisy L. and Benj. B. Hurst; New Berne, N.C.; Dec 22, 1916
B.B. Hurst Jr.; New Berne, N.C.; Dec 22, 1916

[p. 6, newspaper clippings]
Laid to Rest.
The Funeral and Burial Services of the Late John Curtis Green Was Held Yesterday Afternoon.

Death of John C. Green.
Passed Away This Morning at His Residence on Broad Street, in the 60th Year of His Age.


“Benjamin B. Hurst Family Bible,” Craven County Digital History, accessed September 29, 2024,