Bennett-Simpson-Paul Family Bibles
Dublin Core
Bennett-Simpson-Paul Family Bibles
Bennett family
Simpson family
Paul family
Bible records--North Carolina--Pamlico County
Parallel Column Edition. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the Greek; being the version set forth A.D. 1611. Arranged in Parallel columns with the Revised Version of A.D. 1881. Together with the readings and renderings preferred by the American revisers. Text conformable to that of the Universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
Family register information from two family Bibles connected with the Bennett, Simpson, and Paul families of Pamlico County. The pages had been torn from the Bibles and placed in protected covers. It is impossible to determine which pages go with which Bible.
Xerographic copies; 8.5x11 inches; 19 pages.
This item is presented courtesy of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library for research and educational purposes. Prior permission from the New Bern-Craven County Public Library is required for any commercial use.
Text Item Type Metadata
[title page]
Parallel Column Edition. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the Greek; being the version set forth A.D. 1611. Arranged in Parallel columns with the Revised Version of A.D. 1881. Together with the readings and renderings preferred by the American revisers. Text conformable to that of the Universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
[p. 1]
Family Temperance Pledge…Names
Ralandia Winfield Bennett was born Sept 21, 1904
Roscoe Dwey Bennett was Born Sept 10, 1911
[p. 2]
This Certified that the rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between Roscoe D. Bennett and of Eloise Rowe and was married June 3 of 1944
on at by witness:
[p. 3]
Benjamin T. the son of Laben Bennett and T[torn]tha his wife was born May 12th A.D. 1855
Tabitha Bennett daughter of John Bennett and Elvira his wife was born Apr. 12th A.D. 1849
Charles W. son of Benjamin Bennett and Tabitha his wife was born Dec 28th 1878.
Ulysses, son of Benjamin T. Bennett and Tabitha his wife was born March 31st A.D. 1881.
William H., son of Benjamin T. Bennett and Tabitha his wife was born Feb 26th A.D. 1886.
[p. 4]
Laban Bennett Bornd August the 22 1825
Christina Miller daughter of Constantine Miller and Mary J. Miller his wife was born May the 24th A.D. 1880
Linda Sue Bennett was born Dec 30, 1945 was Born Dec 30, 1945
Swinton Houston Bennett was Born Aug 31, 1947 was Born Aug 31, 1947.
[p. 5]
Benjamin T. Bennett and Tabitha Bennett were united in the holy bonds of matrimony Feb 22nd A.D. 1877
Charlie W. Bennett and Julia Simpson were united in the holy bonds of matrimony December 14 A.D. 1902
Julia Bennett was Born July 28th 1882.
Ralandia W. Bennett son of Charlie Bennett and Julia his Wife was Born September 21th 1904
Roscoe D. Bennett son of Charlie Bennett and Julia his Wife Was Born September 10th 1911
Linda Sue Bennett the Daughter of R.D. Bennett and Eloise his wife was Born Dec 20, 1[missing]
Swinton Houston Bennett the son of Roscoe & Eloise Bennett was Born Aug 31, 1947.
[p. 6]
Charlie W. Bennett and his wife Julia was married December the 14 1902.
Charlie W. Bennett was born Dec 28 1878
Julia J. Bennett was born July 28 1882
Ralandia W. Bennett was born Sept 21 1904
Roscoe D. Bennett was born Sept 10 1911
Linda Sue Bennett was born Dec 20, 1945
[p. 7]
Telitha Bennett DC Januaruary 2_th 1894 Aged70 years. [stricken in original]
Telitha Bennett Wife of Laban Bennett DC January the 19 1894 Agd 70 years.
Laban Bennett DC July 4th 1912 age 86 years & 11 months.
Christine Miller DC Aug 29th 1906 Age 26 years.
Ralandia W. Bennett DC August 2 1921 age 16 years 10 months & 1 day
Julia Bennett died June 16, 1952
[p. 8]
Alvin L. Bennett, son of Benjamin Bennett & Tabitha his wife departed this life June 26th AD 1885 being one year, 8 months and 21 day sold.
Ulesses Bennett Departed this Life Dec 25. AD 1893
W.H. Bennett Departed this Life Aug 16 AD: 1894
Laban Bennett died July 4th 1912 age 86 years & 11 months
Julia Bennett died June 16, 1952
Tabitha Bennett Departed this life Sep 7 A.D. 1925 age 76.
Ralandia D. Bennett [smudged out]
Ralandia W. Bennett was born Sept 21, 1904 Died August the 2 1929 age 16 year 10 months 1 day old.
Charlie W. Bennett was born Dec 28 1878 died Oct 12 1941 age 62 years 9 months 14 days of age.
[p. 9]
Laban Bennett
Charlie Born Dec 28 1878 age in 1927 49
Rolondia Born Sepe 21 1904 died Aug 2 1921 age 16 years 10 months & 1 day old
Roscoe D. Bennett Born Sepe 10 1911 age in 1927 16
Henry Bryan Paul died Aug 22 1927 age 72.
Nursie Simpson Born January the 9 1851 age in 1927 76 years
Huldah Born January 22 1873 age in 1927 53
Bryan Born Nov 20 1875 age in 1927 52
Carrie Born July 26 1878 age in 1927 49
Julia Born July 28 1882 age in 1927 45
George Born Nov 6 1885 age in 1927 42
Ada Born Nov 4 1889 age in 1927 38
Bertha Born May 13 1892 age in 1927 35
[p. 10]
Additions to Family Tree:
Mamie Jackson Wiley 12-16-1887
Mack Donald Wiley 8-28-1889
Ralph L. Wiley 1-20-1892
May Bell Wiley 9-28-1893
Margie Elizabeth Wiley 6-8-1895 Married Fate A. Flowers
Mary Madageline (Maggie) Wiley 7-26-1898
Harley Clemath Wiley 12-16-1900
Ellis McKinley Wiley 8-13-1903
Heaten Taylor Wiley 9-13-1907
Vernon Elmo 1-20-1910
Jackson Wiley married Elvina Keel daughter of George and Rhoda Keel
[p. 11]
[newspaper clippings]
Benjamin T. Bennett Passes at Arapahoe
Benjamin T. Bennett, 90, died at his home in Arapahoe Monday morning at 4 o’clock following a long illness.
The funeral service will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Bethany Christian church at Arapahoe by the pastor, Rev. J.M. Waters of Wilson.
Mr. Bennett is survived by one grandson and one great grandson.
Charley Bennett Dies
Charles W. Bennett died at his home in Arapahoe early Sunday morning about ten minutes after he was stricken with a heart attack. He had been in poor health about three years. He was 62 years, 9 months and 14 days of age.
Funeral service was conducted from Amity Christian church Monday at 2 p.m. by Rev. Rufus Walker, pastor, and interment in the church cemetery.
Surviving the deceased besides his wife, Mrs. Julia Simpson Bennett, is one son, Roscoe Bennett, and his aged father, Captain Benjamin T. Bennett.
Until sail and gas freight boats went out Mr. Bennett was one of the leading navigators between Bairds creek and New Bern.
[p. 12]
The Book of Psalms: Translated Out of the Original Hebrew…New York: American Bible Society, 1900.
Nursie Simpson January 9 18[torn]
H.B. Paul died Aug 22 1927 72
Hulda [stricken in original]
Huldah January 22 1874 52 1926
Bryan November 20 1875 51 1926
[C]arrie July 26 1878 48 1926
Julia July 28 1882 44 1926
George November 6 1886 41 1[torn]
Ada November 4 1889 37 [torn]
[B]ertha May 13 1892 34 1926
Linda Sue Born Dec 30 1945
Sinton Houston Born Aug 31 1947
[p. 13]
[Torn]he W. Bennet was Born Dec 28th 1878
Julia D [written over with ] J Bennett Was Born July 28 1882
Richard W. Bennett was Born Sep 21 1904
Roscoe Bennet was Born Sep 10 1911
W.H. Simpson was 23 yea[folded over] when he died.
[Huldah Pa]ul died May 24, 1939 56 years 4 month & 2 days old.
Ralandia Winfield Bennett Was Born Sept 21 1904 Died August the 2 1921 age 16 years 10 months & 1 day
Nursie Simpson was 81 ye[folded over] 4 months and 23 days old [folded over] June 2th 1932
[p. 14]
W.H. Simpson was 62 when he died.
Nursie Simpson Born January 9 1851 died at 81 years 4 M 23 days died June 2 1932
H.B. Paul died Aug 22 1927 age 72
Huldah Simpson Born January 22 1874
Bryan Simpson Born Nov 20 1875 was 54 when disappeared
Ralandia Bennett Born Sept 21 1904 died Aug 2 1921 age 16 years 10 months & 1 day old
B.T. Bennett died Feb 18 1946 age 90 years old
Julia Bennett Died june 16 1953
Linda Sue Bennett Born Dec 30 1945
Huston [stricken] Swinton Huston Bennett Born Aug 31 1947
[p. 15]
Charlia W. Bennett Died Oct 12 1941 age 62 years old in 1940 [stricken] Dec 28 1940
[p. 16]
Lina Miller was born in November 1878 age in 1929 52 out
Dela Grace Miller was born in August last day 1915 age in 1929 14 out
Luvine Bennett Died Dec 3rd 1924
Alex Bennett Born Aug 13 1863 Died January 15 1938
Tom Bennett Died Nov 25 1937 age 86
[p. 17]
Els Rawls Oct 15 1904
Duffy Rawls July 13 1906
Wilson Rawls July 31 1908
Gye Rawls Oct 8 1910
Annie Rawls January 17 1913
Arche Rawls August 15 1915
Parallel Column Edition. The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the Greek; being the version set forth A.D. 1611. Arranged in Parallel columns with the Revised Version of A.D. 1881. Together with the readings and renderings preferred by the American revisers. Text conformable to that of the Universities at Oxford and Cambridge.
[p. 1]
Family Temperance Pledge…Names
Ralandia Winfield Bennett was born Sept 21, 1904
Roscoe Dwey Bennett was Born Sept 10, 1911
[p. 2]
This Certified that the rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between Roscoe D. Bennett and of Eloise Rowe and was married June 3 of 1944
on at by witness:
[p. 3]
Benjamin T. the son of Laben Bennett and T[torn]tha his wife was born May 12th A.D. 1855
Tabitha Bennett daughter of John Bennett and Elvira his wife was born Apr. 12th A.D. 1849
Charles W. son of Benjamin Bennett and Tabitha his wife was born Dec 28th 1878.
Ulysses, son of Benjamin T. Bennett and Tabitha his wife was born March 31st A.D. 1881.
William H., son of Benjamin T. Bennett and Tabitha his wife was born Feb 26th A.D. 1886.
[p. 4]
Laban Bennett Bornd August the 22 1825
Christina Miller daughter of Constantine Miller and Mary J. Miller his wife was born May the 24th A.D. 1880
Linda Sue Bennett was born Dec 30, 1945 was Born Dec 30, 1945
Swinton Houston Bennett was Born Aug 31, 1947 was Born Aug 31, 1947.
[p. 5]
Benjamin T. Bennett and Tabitha Bennett were united in the holy bonds of matrimony Feb 22nd A.D. 1877
Charlie W. Bennett and Julia Simpson were united in the holy bonds of matrimony December 14 A.D. 1902
Julia Bennett was Born July 28th 1882.
Ralandia W. Bennett son of Charlie Bennett and Julia his Wife was Born September 21th 1904
Roscoe D. Bennett son of Charlie Bennett and Julia his Wife Was Born September 10th 1911
Linda Sue Bennett the Daughter of R.D. Bennett and Eloise his wife was Born Dec 20, 1[missing]
Swinton Houston Bennett the son of Roscoe & Eloise Bennett was Born Aug 31, 1947.
[p. 6]
Charlie W. Bennett and his wife Julia was married December the 14 1902.
Charlie W. Bennett was born Dec 28 1878
Julia J. Bennett was born July 28 1882
Ralandia W. Bennett was born Sept 21 1904
Roscoe D. Bennett was born Sept 10 1911
Linda Sue Bennett was born Dec 20, 1945
[p. 7]
Telitha Bennett DC Januaruary 2_th 1894 Aged70 years. [stricken in original]
Telitha Bennett Wife of Laban Bennett DC January the 19 1894 Agd 70 years.
Laban Bennett DC July 4th 1912 age 86 years & 11 months.
Christine Miller DC Aug 29th 1906 Age 26 years.
Ralandia W. Bennett DC August 2 1921 age 16 years 10 months & 1 day
Julia Bennett died June 16, 1952
[p. 8]
Alvin L. Bennett, son of Benjamin Bennett & Tabitha his wife departed this life June 26th AD 1885 being one year, 8 months and 21 day sold.
Ulesses Bennett Departed this Life Dec 25. AD 1893
W.H. Bennett Departed this Life Aug 16 AD: 1894
Laban Bennett died July 4th 1912 age 86 years & 11 months
Julia Bennett died June 16, 1952
Tabitha Bennett Departed this life Sep 7 A.D. 1925 age 76.
Ralandia D. Bennett [smudged out]
Ralandia W. Bennett was born Sept 21, 1904 Died August the 2 1929 age 16 year 10 months 1 day old.
Charlie W. Bennett was born Dec 28 1878 died Oct 12 1941 age 62 years 9 months 14 days of age.
[p. 9]
Laban Bennett
Charlie Born Dec 28 1878 age in 1927 49
Rolondia Born Sepe 21 1904 died Aug 2 1921 age 16 years 10 months & 1 day old
Roscoe D. Bennett Born Sepe 10 1911 age in 1927 16
Henry Bryan Paul died Aug 22 1927 age 72.
Nursie Simpson Born January the 9 1851 age in 1927 76 years
Huldah Born January 22 1873 age in 1927 53
Bryan Born Nov 20 1875 age in 1927 52
Carrie Born July 26 1878 age in 1927 49
Julia Born July 28 1882 age in 1927 45
George Born Nov 6 1885 age in 1927 42
Ada Born Nov 4 1889 age in 1927 38
Bertha Born May 13 1892 age in 1927 35
[p. 10]
Additions to Family Tree:
Mamie Jackson Wiley 12-16-1887
Mack Donald Wiley 8-28-1889
Ralph L. Wiley 1-20-1892
May Bell Wiley 9-28-1893
Margie Elizabeth Wiley 6-8-1895 Married Fate A. Flowers
Mary Madageline (Maggie) Wiley 7-26-1898
Harley Clemath Wiley 12-16-1900
Ellis McKinley Wiley 8-13-1903
Heaten Taylor Wiley 9-13-1907
Vernon Elmo 1-20-1910
Jackson Wiley married Elvina Keel daughter of George and Rhoda Keel
[p. 11]
[newspaper clippings]
Benjamin T. Bennett Passes at Arapahoe
Benjamin T. Bennett, 90, died at his home in Arapahoe Monday morning at 4 o’clock following a long illness.
The funeral service will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Bethany Christian church at Arapahoe by the pastor, Rev. J.M. Waters of Wilson.
Mr. Bennett is survived by one grandson and one great grandson.
Charley Bennett Dies
Charles W. Bennett died at his home in Arapahoe early Sunday morning about ten minutes after he was stricken with a heart attack. He had been in poor health about three years. He was 62 years, 9 months and 14 days of age.
Funeral service was conducted from Amity Christian church Monday at 2 p.m. by Rev. Rufus Walker, pastor, and interment in the church cemetery.
Surviving the deceased besides his wife, Mrs. Julia Simpson Bennett, is one son, Roscoe Bennett, and his aged father, Captain Benjamin T. Bennett.
Until sail and gas freight boats went out Mr. Bennett was one of the leading navigators between Bairds creek and New Bern.
[p. 12]
The Book of Psalms: Translated Out of the Original Hebrew…New York: American Bible Society, 1900.
Nursie Simpson January 9 18[torn]
H.B. Paul died Aug 22 1927 72
Hulda [stricken in original]
Huldah January 22 1874 52 1926
Bryan November 20 1875 51 1926
[C]arrie July 26 1878 48 1926
Julia July 28 1882 44 1926
George November 6 1886 41 1[torn]
Ada November 4 1889 37 [torn]
[B]ertha May 13 1892 34 1926
Linda Sue Born Dec 30 1945
Sinton Houston Born Aug 31 1947
[p. 13]
[Torn]he W. Bennet was Born Dec 28th 1878
Julia D [written over with ] J Bennett Was Born July 28 1882
Richard W. Bennett was Born Sep 21 1904
Roscoe Bennet was Born Sep 10 1911
W.H. Simpson was 23 yea[folded over] when he died.
[Huldah Pa]ul died May 24, 1939 56 years 4 month & 2 days old.
Ralandia Winfield Bennett Was Born Sept 21 1904 Died August the 2 1921 age 16 years 10 months & 1 day
Nursie Simpson was 81 ye[folded over] 4 months and 23 days old [folded over] June 2th 1932
[p. 14]
W.H. Simpson was 62 when he died.
Nursie Simpson Born January 9 1851 died at 81 years 4 M 23 days died June 2 1932
H.B. Paul died Aug 22 1927 age 72
Huldah Simpson Born January 22 1874
Bryan Simpson Born Nov 20 1875 was 54 when disappeared
Ralandia Bennett Born Sept 21 1904 died Aug 2 1921 age 16 years 10 months & 1 day old
B.T. Bennett died Feb 18 1946 age 90 years old
Julia Bennett Died june 16 1953
Linda Sue Bennett Born Dec 30 1945
Huston [stricken] Swinton Huston Bennett Born Aug 31 1947
[p. 15]
Charlia W. Bennett Died Oct 12 1941 age 62 years old in 1940 [stricken] Dec 28 1940
[p. 16]
Lina Miller was born in November 1878 age in 1929 52 out
Dela Grace Miller was born in August last day 1915 age in 1929 14 out
Luvine Bennett Died Dec 3rd 1924
Alex Bennett Born Aug 13 1863 Died January 15 1938
Tom Bennett Died Nov 25 1937 age 86
[p. 17]
Els Rawls Oct 15 1904
Duffy Rawls July 13 1906
Wilson Rawls July 31 1908
Gye Rawls Oct 8 1910
Annie Rawls January 17 1913
Arche Rawls August 15 1915
“Bennett-Simpson-Paul Family Bibles,” Craven County Digital History, accessed March 12, 2025,