Cooper-Johnson-Saunders Family Bible
Dublin Core
Cooper-Johnson-Saunders Family Bible
Cooper family
Johnson family
Saunders family
Bible records--North Carolina--Craven County
Bible records--New York (State)--Brooklyn
The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues; diligently compared with all former translations and revised, to which are added special explanatory features, designed to aid the reader to a fuller, clearer, and easier understanding of the inspired text. Philadelphia: Hubbard Brothers. Bible Publishers, [1882?]
Xerographic copies : 8-1/2 x 11 inches ; 3 pages
This item is presented courtesy of the New Bern-Craven County Public Library for research and educational purposes. Prior permission from the New Bern-Craven County Public Library is required for any commercial use.
Craven County, North Carolina
Brooklyn, New York
Text Item Type Metadata
[title page]
The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues; diligently compared with all former translations and revised, to which are added special explanatory features, designed to aid the reader to a fuller, clearer, and easier understanding of the inspired text. Philadelphia: Hubbard Brothers. Bible Publishers, [1882?]
[p. 1]
Family Record.
Name Place of Birth Date of Birth Date of Marriage Born
W.H. Osbourne and Eugenia B. Respess [?] married Feb 8th 1893 [stricken in original]
C.M. Saunders, New Bern
Catherine Saunders, 19 Stanley St, New Bern
Emma Pasteur, 33 Warwick St, Boston, Mass, Aug 17, 1891
Arconza Saunders, Green St, New Bern, Jan 11, 1894
Claud Saunders, New Rhoshell, NY, July 25, 1895
George Saunders, New Bern, NC, Spring St, April 14, 1899
Leona Saunders, 19 Stanley St, New Bern, NC, Sept 2, 1902
Pearl Saunders, New Bern, N.C., Aug 8, 1908
Thomas Saunders, New Bern, N.C., Oct. 11, 1913
George Saunders Jr
Christopher Saunders
Paul Saunders, Queen St, 1919
Claud Saunders Jr.
Nov. 1925
[p. 2]
Family Record
Name, Place of Birth, Date of Birth, Date of Marriage, Date of Death
Hugh Hampton Cooper, Murfreesboro, NC, Jan 30th, 1858, Jan 18, 1883, May 10, 1888[?]
Emma Bradford, Elizabeth City, N.C., June 26, 1862[?], Jan 18, 1883
Emma Hugh Cooper, New Berne, N.C. Jan. 24, 1888 [1888 stricken in original]
Mr. [stricken in original]
C.M. Saunders, New Bern, N.C.
C.M. Saunders age 70. Died Nov. 16, 1925
Janes Saunders, Peyton, Brooklyn, NY, 8-11-41
Roxanne Peyton, Brooklyn, NY, 2-28-67
Dara Peyton, Brooklyn, NY, 2-13-72
Imani Peyton-Jomer, Chicago, IL, 9-16-92
Claude Anthony Saunders Jr, Brooklyn, NY, 10-26-39
Mildred Graves-Saunders
Michelle Saunders, Brooklyn, NY
[p. 3]
Marriage Certificate
This Certifies That Hugh Hampton Cooper and Emma Bradford Johnson were solemnly united by me in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony at St. Cyprian Church on the eighteenth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and eighty-three conformably to the Ordinance of God and the laws of the State. Signed P.W. Cassey of St. Cyprian, Newbern, N.C.
In presence of John H. Fisher, Augusta B. Johnson.
The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues; diligently compared with all former translations and revised, to which are added special explanatory features, designed to aid the reader to a fuller, clearer, and easier understanding of the inspired text. Philadelphia: Hubbard Brothers. Bible Publishers, [1882?]
[p. 1]
Family Record.
Name Place of Birth Date of Birth Date of Marriage Born
W.H. Osbourne and Eugenia B. Respess [?] married Feb 8th 1893 [stricken in original]
C.M. Saunders, New Bern
Catherine Saunders, 19 Stanley St, New Bern
Emma Pasteur, 33 Warwick St, Boston, Mass, Aug 17, 1891
Arconza Saunders, Green St, New Bern, Jan 11, 1894
Claud Saunders, New Rhoshell, NY, July 25, 1895
George Saunders, New Bern, NC, Spring St, April 14, 1899
Leona Saunders, 19 Stanley St, New Bern, NC, Sept 2, 1902
Pearl Saunders, New Bern, N.C., Aug 8, 1908
Thomas Saunders, New Bern, N.C., Oct. 11, 1913
George Saunders Jr
Christopher Saunders
Paul Saunders, Queen St, 1919
Claud Saunders Jr.
Nov. 1925
[p. 2]
Family Record
Name, Place of Birth, Date of Birth, Date of Marriage, Date of Death
Hugh Hampton Cooper, Murfreesboro, NC, Jan 30th, 1858, Jan 18, 1883, May 10, 1888[?]
Emma Bradford, Elizabeth City, N.C., June 26, 1862[?], Jan 18, 1883
Emma Hugh Cooper, New Berne, N.C. Jan. 24, 1888 [1888 stricken in original]
Mr. [stricken in original]
C.M. Saunders, New Bern, N.C.
C.M. Saunders age 70. Died Nov. 16, 1925
Janes Saunders, Peyton, Brooklyn, NY, 8-11-41
Roxanne Peyton, Brooklyn, NY, 2-28-67
Dara Peyton, Brooklyn, NY, 2-13-72
Imani Peyton-Jomer, Chicago, IL, 9-16-92
Claude Anthony Saunders Jr, Brooklyn, NY, 10-26-39
Mildred Graves-Saunders
Michelle Saunders, Brooklyn, NY
[p. 3]
Marriage Certificate
This Certifies That Hugh Hampton Cooper and Emma Bradford Johnson were solemnly united by me in the Holy Bonds of Matrimony at St. Cyprian Church on the eighteenth day of January in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and eighty-three conformably to the Ordinance of God and the laws of the State. Signed P.W. Cassey of St. Cyprian, Newbern, N.C.
In presence of John H. Fisher, Augusta B. Johnson.
Original Format
“Cooper-Johnson-Saunders Family Bible,” Craven County Digital History, accessed March 13, 2025,