Engraved one-shilling note issued in North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate. Border on left edge is missing; swan in circle on lower left corner. Printed inscription: “North Carolina/ i s. One Shilling./ Proclamation Money according to…
Engraved four-shilling note issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with scrolled leafage border on left edge and monogram in a circle on lower left corner. Printed inscription: “North Carolina./ iv s. Four Shillings./…
Engraved five-shilling note issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with scrolled leaf border on left edge and a squirrel in a circle on lower left corner. Printed inscription: “North Carolina./vs. Five Shillings./ Proclamation…
Engraved ten-shilling note issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with scrolled border on left edge and bird in a circle on lower left corner. Printed inscription: “North Carolina./ xs Ten Shillings/ Proclamation Money according…
Engraved fifteen-shilling note issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with scroll border on left edge and armor helmet in a circle on lower left corner. Printed inscription: “North Carolina./ vxs. Fifteen Shillings/ Proclamation…
Engraved twenty-shilling note issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with scrolled leaf border on left edge and crown in a circle on lower left corner. Printed inscription: “North Carolina./ xx s. Twenty Shillings/ Proclamation…
Engraved twenty-five shillings & eight pence note issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with scrolled border on left edge and The Holy Bible in a circle on lower left corner. Printed inscription: “North Carolina./ xxvls viii d …
Engraved thirty-shilling note issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with scroll border on left edge and a house in a circle on lower left corner. Printed inscription: “North Carolina./ xxx s. Thirty Shillings./ Proclamation…
Engraved forty-shilling note issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with scroll border on left edge and church (Christ Church at New Bern) in a circle on lower left corner. Printed inscription: “North Carolina/xl s Forty…
Type set five-pound note issued by North Carolina. Wide left-edge border of quatrefoil with flowers in the corners surrounded on three sides by stylized flowers and narrow stylized border at top and bottom. Printed inscription: “North Carolina./ This…