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Engraved three pound Debenture Bill issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with scroll leafage border on left edge and circular vignette of MAGNA CHARTA on lower left corner. Inscribed: “3£. THREE POUNDS-- No 231./ The…

Typeset Debenture Bill issued by North Carolina with borders all around; borders on the sides and bottom contain the denomination and inscription “Death to counterfeit.” Printed text: “North-Carolina. [No. 885 ]/ [£.III] three pounds./ THE Province…

Typeset Debenture Bill issued by North Carolina with borders all around; borders on the sides and bottom contain the denomination and inscription “Death to counterfeit.” Printed text: “North-Carolina. [No. 515 ]/ [XX S.] twenty shillings./ THE…

Engraved two pound Debenture Bill issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with C-scroll border on left edge and circular vignette in lower left corner of bird with olive branch “PAX REDDITA (Peace restored) MAY 1771.” Inscribed:…

Engraved two shilling and six pence Debenture Bill issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with scroll leafage border on left edge and vignette of house in a circle on lower left corner. Inscribed: “Two Shillings & Six Pence. No…

Engraved two shilling and six pence Debenture Bill issued by North Carolina. Printed from engraved copper plate with scroll leafage border on left edge and vignette of duck in a circle on lower left corner. Inscribed: “2s.6d TWO SHILLINGS, & SIX…

Typeset Debenture Bill issued by North Carolina with borders all around; borders on the sides and bottom contain the denomination and inscription “Death to counterfeit.” Printed text: “North-Carolina. [No. (missing)/ [ii s. vi d.] two shillings/…

Five pound Treasury note issued by North Carolina with broad border on left edge and narrow border on the bottom of the note. Printed inscription: “North Carolina./ This BILL intitles [sic] the Bearer hereof to/FIVE POUNDS Proclamation Money, to/ be…

Type set five-pound note issued by North Carolina. Wide left-edge border of quatrefoil with flowers in the corners surrounded on three sides by stylized flowers and narrow stylized border at top and bottom. Printed inscription: “North Carolina./ This…

Typeset note issued by North Carolina with and narrow borders on the top, bottom and right edge of the note. Printed inscription: “North Carolina. [No. 125 ]/ ( XX s.) ONE POUND/ This NOTE shall intitle [sic] the Bearer to/ Twenty Shillings,…
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